Power Handling:
I am a 49 year old man that enjoys a nice front stage in my car. I have an 08 Altima that is all Soundstream except for the head unit which is Poneer Premier (waiting on the Soundstream Ingenix to come out) My system consists of the RF3.6c in the front with the tweeters mounted in the A-Pillars, a Soundstream MPQ-7XO seven band EQ, The rear deck is Soundstream 6x9 Legends of Soundstream full range, the sub is a Soundstream R1 Reference 12. The amps are a Soundstream Rubicon 1000.1 pushing 800 watts on a 2 ohm load on the sub and a Soundstream Rubicon 4x500 on my speakers. The sound the components make is outstanding and for the price cannot be touched. I have had numerous people compliment me on the sound and associate it to listening to a live performance. I have entered and won 3 1st place trophies this year in SQ events. These components do require an amp, a headunit cannot power them but use a good amp, turn up the volume and enjoy music as it is suppose to sound. I highly recommend to anyone wanting great sound
I am a former judge in the SQ categories for IASCA. You can't beat these for overall sound quality. It's so funny to hear uneducated inexperienced people say that their Rockford or Kicker component sets are the best. First of all, ANY 3-way component set has a HUGE advantage over ANY 2-way component set so realistically you can't compare this set to ANY 2-way because the extra driver on the 3-way puts it in a much higher class for sound quality...make sense? You can only compare this 3-way to other 3-way sets. That being said, try finding a higher quality, higher power handling set than this one for under $300??? It does not exist...period. This set is head and shoulders above the JL Audio 3-way which looks and sounds weak and cheap compared to this one. Buy this component set and you won't be sorry....unless you listen to your buddies telling you that other brands are better. Trust your ears over your buddy's ignorant opinion.