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Orion 2500D

Item #13472
2500 Watts Class D Mono Power Amplifier

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Product Reviews For Orion 2500D

  • It sounded great... you get what you pay for.

    Jack Johnson

  • great looks, great power, great amp it goes BOOM like so fool;)


  • (bass from in tha trunk)- You obviously don't know your prices for SQ and power. For 2500 watts RMS and high quality, this amp is a still. But, I guess, you rather have a 2500 watts peak amp for 100 dollars. Seems you don't know the difference between RMS power and PEAK power.


  • An outstanding piece of equipment for the money charged. I am using on to drive 2 H2 15s". Although I am under powering them it still sounds nuts..Will be investing in another one very very soon

    Bucky D

  • Bought This for my G/F. It's perfect if you get the Orion H2-12.2 sub. This Amp will dish out serious power for any rugged sub. The one problem I had was UPGRADING the rest of the system you really need a deck with Front/Rear/& Sub RCA jacks. Cause of the power it draws. Also a 50 Farad Capacitor will help. Deffinately worth it.


  • Great Amp, Modified it is even better. It says 1 ohm stable but really it is .5 ohm stable. You can roll it at .25 ohm, or mod it to burp at .25 ohm. Great amp for the money. I run 4 into my two dd's and it sounds awsome.

    Aztec Motorsports

  • i have a complete orion set up, with this amp powering 2 h2s, and i must say that they bump harder than my boys w7 13.2.


  • I currently have this amp running on two of the Orion H2's/12.4, and I must say that they absolutely slam. I am often asked if i have some fifthteens in my trunk. I am a firm believer in you pay for what you get and these subs definitely did not let me down. Just on a real note be careful with this amp because it will seriously damage your hearing over an extended period of time.

    Q. Benjamin

  • I really like this amp. I have four of these amps powering four Digital Designs 9917c's in a Tahoe. Some people on this site (Jeremy from California) suggested a 50 Farad Capacitor. Don't waste your money buying a capacitor, they're worthless. Instead buy a high-output alternator and a high performance battery. A deck with front/rear/sub outputs doesn't help with the power it draws, either.

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