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MTX T8512-44

Item #14480
12" 1000W Dual 4-Ohms Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For MTX T8512-44

  • Great subwoofer, powered by a alpine v12 accuclass d amp. My friend has two Fozgate power stage 1 12's, the mtx simply outclasses them. Its bass you can feel, SPL off the charts but with SQ comparable to an infinity dvq.


  • Friend of mine has 2 Rockford Fosgate T2 12' subs,the mtx is by far better quality bass maybe now louder but over all better

    Zain Aziz

  • exellent subwoofer in all the areas that matter.great xmax linear .650 watts rms in sealed enclosure 1.25 cft perfect and last foever BUFFALO from Ottawa ont Canada.


  • they r the best subs i ever had i did have 2 rockford fosgate power 2 and 2 of thes and they blow rockford away

    Ryan Swink

  • I have one of thse in a 1.25 cu ft sealed box in an extended cab ranger and it sounds amazing. Hits extremely hard and still has excellent sound quality. Much better than the JL W6 that it replaced. I'm running it with an MTX TC6001 amp (600 watts rms but is actually pushing closer to 800).


  • had 2 rockfords with amp.. now i have to 8500 mtx with an 81001 amp and it blows rockford away like nothing....so much depth and u will fall in love with these


  • i just installed one one of these in my 1996 extended cab ranger, running off of a kenwood KAC-9152D amp and wow, it blew away my buddies 2 12" L7's. definitely worth the cash!!!


  • i have an 8512 in the sledgehammer box.sits in the back seat of my 1996 f150 extended caba power acustic a1000db mono amp pushing it.wow.takes your breath away.hits harder than my kicker L7 in my car whith a 750.1 kicker amp.mtx all the way!!!


  • Subwoofer Just pounds! Best Sub out for the money! Just one of these is jaw dropping.

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