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MTX T5510-44

Item #17021
10" 600W Dual 4-Ohm Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For MTX T5510-44

  • I have 2 of these in a box I built. Pushing them with a RF 4002 amp. These things are pure smash mouth for the cost of them. You will hard pressed to find harder hitters (10's)for the money. Turn up volume and I can not keep my rear view mirror from dropping straight down. I have used many subs over the past 15 years. These are by far the best ones I have EVER had for the money. YOU WILL NOT BE DISSAPPOINTED!!!! Clean and quick and LOUD!!!


  • Well i just got this in my 2002 regular cab chevy silverado and all i can say is wow and i would recommend this 2 anyone looking for a affordable 10 inch sub but some serious bass.

    Phillip Harvey

  • For the price, it's unbeatable. I just got one of these in my 2001 extended cab Ranger, and it's loud!!! I have a generic 300W RMS amp pushing it, and it's almost shaking my rear-view off the windshield. The dual v.c. is nice, and makes 2ohm applications very easy. Good buy!


  • This sub is the **** hands down! Better value than JL! Only thing that I have heard that can compare to MTX is kicker! I had one of these, only one in my 1995 lincoln towncar in a custom ported enclosure and it shook the hell outta my car! My rearview mirror just wouldn't stop moving, and my trunk rattled like it was more in there! I had it on an unknown amp and it banged! If you have a smaller car like a corolla, honda civic, or acura, you'll really feel it! I recommend anyone who gets this sub to get an amplifier that can play more than 300 watts RMS because it fried my amp that was 300 RMS!


  • Hi guys, I am sending 250RMS to this sub and it is great even though i am under powering it. Great for money value. I recommend powering upwards of 300RMS to this sub for best results

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