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Pioneer TS-W307D4

Item #17387
12" 1200W Dual 4-Ohm Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Pioneer TS-W307D4

  • I have two of these in my truck and they nearly took off my rearview mirror at half volume..Cannot beat these subwoofers for their price and performance. I will always shop Pioneer from now on.

    Jake P.

  • i ran 3 12's of the older versions (306's) in a sealed box as a temporary setup and it hits very hard and gets loud for the value. ive owned 2 jl w6, kicker solobaric l5 AND l7, and alpine type-r setups, these pioneers are only a hair behind on sound quality and spl. considering these subs cost a fraction of the prices of the subs listed above, it cant be beat. definately good subwoofers if your on a budget. i would compare them to alpine type-s, kicker comp, and rockford punch stage 1/2 subs. if they could handle more than 400wrms, they would keep up in SPL on the higher end model woofers on the market.


  • I have two of these subs in my monte carlo ss with a mono amp. Before reaching the volume reached the half way point I had to step out of my car.

    Jamal Lankford

  • nice sub for the price clean reliable sound i have a lanzar vibe 286 pushing it and the amp is a bit 2 much for it but if you tune the frequencies and your gain its a nice combination

    josh koerner

  • i had two of these hooked up to a power acoustic adb1000 mono block amp, pushing 400 watts rms at 4 ohms. i underrated the power by 400 watts and within a month of pounding them fried the voice coils. i would not recomend these subs.


  • I have this sub mounted in the trunk of my '04 GTO, powered by a Pioneer GM5300T and for the money the set-up can't be beat.


  • I put two of this in my extended cab Toyota and the rattle the freakin doors off. I put a kenwood 1000 watt amp on them.

    Shawn Pennington

  • if you are looking for good performance at a reosonable price this speaker does the job. I pounded the shI# out of these speakers for a long time and they still sound great. Ps im surprised they are not burned out i wired these speakers in so many different ways that your not supposed to LMAO

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