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Hifonics Olympus OLM1615

Item #18490
15" 3200W Dual 2-Ohm Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Hifonics Olympus OLM1615

  • i bought 3 of these beast and put them in a poarted box and i've never heard anything louder. i don't even turn my volum past 10 they hit waaaaaaaaaay to hard. wonderful price for wonderful noise. if u don't like bass this is not your sub.


  • I wanted to try a system with one subwoofer. I have had from JL audio to Kicker Solo Baric L5 and L7 and three of the Hifonics b12d2 and this puts them under the table. I have it linked with the bxi1601d amp which is identical to the sub. It hits hard!!!!


  • Just got mine today, ordered it on friday and it got here around 2pm, I have it hooked up to 1500.1 monoblock Crunch amp voice coils wired in parallel so I cna achieve a 1 ohm load and pushing a true 1500 watts to it sounds freaking awesome. The rms is rated @ 1600 watts and a 2-3 sec. peak of 32000watt. Got mine from E-Bay for 234.00 brand new but I think it is worth what OCS charges.


  • Posted a review a few weeks back when I only had one of these monsters now I have two both getting 1500 watts and wired @ 1ohm it sounds like an explosion in my trunk, I'm good right now as far as Hifonics go but now it's time to get some Soundstream components: 300w 6x9's, 400.1 monoblock amp, and an SPLX152 Soundstream sub, sorry people @ stop light!! Haha


  • I got 4 with 2 XXV-Colossus amps and all I can say is WOW!!! These things pound!!! They're in a 14^3' ported box tuned to 35Hz and they hit sooooo low!!! Im hooked on Hifonics. Just make sure your mids and highs can keep up!!!

    Hoe on 8s

  • I got mine about 2 weeks ago. I had 3 kicker 15's they dont have shit on the hifonics. My truck is falling apart.

    Joshua Dukes

  • world record holder for 5 years in a row uses these so why wouldnt you? Maxxsonics FTMFW !!!!!!!


  • this product is perfect i dont understand the funny decorations on others but its not nessesary to put weird plastic decos in the center of a cone this is surperoir design

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