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JL Audio 10W1v2-8

Item #18625
10" 150W 8-Ohm Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For JL Audio 10W1v2-8

  • Probably one of the best woofers you can buy for the money. great sq!!! and will get pretty loud for a 10. good job on this one jl


  • i got two of these in a chevy 1500 with a 500 watt massive amp and a premier head unit and they pound.. my friend has two 12" mtx terminators and if u ask me my two tens sound better


  • I have 3 of these inside a custom built box in a 2005 silverado hooked up to a 1600 hifonics mono block. the amp is a little to big for these but damn they hit hella hard. JL Audio means they will be great no matter what!


  • I have 2 of these powered by a Kenwood amp, in a ported box, and they hit hard. Once you get the amp tuned, these really have good quality low end. If I didn't dinomat my wife's car, it would rattle all the cars around her! Make sure you have a good quality amp pushing these or they will sound like poo. I suggest a kenwood or an alpine.


  • I have 2 of these on a 300watt Pyle amp. These hit harder than my friends RF P1s. Gotta love JL.


  • These subs hit hard as hell for some cheap ten's. i bought mine off of ebay but i have 2 of these in a sealed box with a 1000watt sony xplod amp they shake my crown vics trunk like no other.

    Arik R
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