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JL Audio CLS110RG-W7AE

Item #20359
W7 Series 10" 1500 Peak Power Handling 3 Ohms Single W7AE Subwoofer Sealed ProWedge Enclosure

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Product Reviews For JL Audio CLS110RG-W7AE

  • i have 2 of these JL enclosed subs/ 2 HD750/1 , best of the best, i think is the cleanest system i ever owned. kicker, orion, cliff, mtx, nothing compares to this sub set. best 10" sub on the market.


  • This is a great sub! I am running it with an Alpine PDX-V9 (525 RMS watts). I also have an Alpine RUX knob to control the sub output. The sub hits really hard if I crank up the RUX. I can also turn it down when needed and it still sounds good. I upgraded to this W7 from an Alpine 10" Type R sub. I do recommend the W7 if you are willing to spend the money but for a more economical option, the Type R gives a great bang for the buck. The 10" Type R has a really "tight" bass sound whereas the W7 sounds a bit more "boomy" (still tight, not too boomy). However the W7 can reach lower frequencies giving you that really low, deep bass. It is a bit pricey but still worth it. For anyone looking to add another layer and dimension to the sound experience in their car, the W7 is the way to go!!! Top quality, very solid, the W7 with enclosure weighs about 75 lbs. With the added SPL you can really feel the sound and the SQ remains in tact. Again, highly recommended sub.


  • This sub, is absolutely crisper sounding, and tighter than any other sub me or any of my friends have ever heard 5/5 stars.


  • Bangin' bass in a small box. Fits just right behind my Ford SUV's last row. Hooked it up with my JL HD 750/1, and it's a night-and-day difference compared to my old sub. That black faceplate also looks pretty sweet.

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