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Rockford Fosgate P500-1bd

Item #20576
500 Watt Class-bd Mono Amplifier

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Product Reviews For Rockford Fosgate P500-1bd

  • this amp is one hell of a good amp... I DID have 2 12 Boss Audio subs and this amp...and it pushed them with no problem.... 1 10" Kicker CVR would be a better candidate though.


  • Pushed at 4ohm To a rockford P3 10" dual4 ohm sub in a 1.8 cubic foot box. Ifigured the sub would be under powered But compared To my last set up, which was a 10" typeR @ 2ohm getting 500 watts from an old Hifonic1206d 1200watt amp. That amp died so i bought This one and a p3. birth sheet power specs were damn near 30% higher then the CEA compliant specs which makes sense cause this amp powers the one p3 nicely. I have the gain up 75% and the amp dont break a sweat and from what i hear from a friend who owns at car audio shop and sells RF equipment, these punch series amps are heavy duty and unkillable. OCS offers this amp at a great price and its more powerful than the new model which cost like $50 more. Buy this amp for any sub you're trying to give a clean 250 watts@ 4ohm and any sub u Can wire lower than 4ohm 400-600watt rms subs.

    Sam S
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