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Kenwood DNX6190HD

Item #31703
Bluetooth Enabled In-Dash Double DIN Navigation & Multimedia DVD/CD/HD Radio Receiver with 6.1" Touch-Screen Built-In HD Radio Tuner

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Product Reviews For Kenwood DNX6190HD

  • I purchased this unit to replace an Kenwood Excelon DDX-814 with GPS and HD add ons. This unit blows the DDX unit away in performance, sound quality and user friendly menu navigation. I am using the units interal amplifiers to drive Focal component 6.5s front and Focal coaxial 6.5s for rear. I have a small soundstream 8" powered sub under the seat. Everything sounds great for my musical tastes. I added a XM unit and now have the best of all worlds. This unit taks about 20 sec to boot which I can live with, the old DDX unit took over a minute. Online's prices are $200 less for the same unit than the other on-line stores, it is not a re-conditioned unit, free shipping, no sales tax, can't beat the deal.


  • Significant improvement over the stock unit , suggest adding a sub woofer with amplifier. Prices at online stereo were the best I found anywhere

    Tony Duarte

  • The saved addresses get deleted all of the time.

    Georgeann Wenner

  • It is extremly overpriced, to start once the iPhone 5 came out it became partially incompatible because no cables exist to split the audio off into a 3.5mm jack and physically connect it, so I lost the ability to direct connect and lost the ability to watch video off the phone on the unit, plus the bluetooth control only allows for pause and play after you start the music on your phone with now last or next control. Also, about 2 week after I got the unit the software glitched and brick the unit, I had to send it back and use the warrenty which added about 2 weeks waiting for it.

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