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Audiobahn ALUM15Q

Item #13592
15" 1100W Dual 6-Ohm Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Audiobahn ALUM15Q

  • Loud speaker, not as responsive and doesnt have the sound quality you would expect.


  • this sub is amazing!i got this about a week ago and i put it in the trunk of my 2003 lancer and it bumps!i hooked it up to a 1500 amp by it self. i also have another amp that runs my 12" kenwoods. the system is great. if your looking for some extra bass this speaker is what you need.


  • very bad ass speakers i have 4 in a surburban hooked up to 2 mojo amps you can hardly breathe

    mike blevins

  • my names kody i only have one of these great subs nd i cant figure out how to wire it ive tryed asking cartoys but there diagram didnt work so i need some help i have no speaker wire on the speaker so im a bit lost and ive bridge a 1000W xplod amps to it with the cartoys diagram and zippo happend

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