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Do you need to replace your car's stock subwoofer with a new one that can truly deliver a tight and clean bass output? The JL Audio 12W3v3-4 has the capacity to give you phenomenal low-frequency performance, thanks to JL Audio's expertise and experience in making high-quality subwoofers.
This 12-inch subwoofer comes with a polypropylene cone and a rubber surround, allowing it to produce an accurate bass production with reduced distortion while being able to withstand the rigors of prolonged use, especially at high volume levels. As JL Audio 12W3v3-4 is made in the USA, you can expect that all its materials are of top-notch quality to give you the sound and built quality you may never have experienced before.
With its Elevated Frame Cooling design, you can use the car subwoofer as long as you'd want to without having to worry about high-temperature issues. The JL Audio 12W3v3-4 also comes with JL Audio's DMA-optimized motor, which is designed to give its subwoofers and speakers increased power output and enhanced audio performance.
The JL Audio 12W3v3-4 can continuously deliver a power output of 500 Watts and a peak power of 1,000 Watts at 4 ohms. It has a frequency response of 22 up to 200 Hz and a sensitivity rate of 87.15 dB, which means that it can produce an extensive and pure low-frequency performance and can easily go loud with minimal distortion.
Box Requirements:
this sub is incredible for the money. It does a number on the 3v2's with much higher sound quality and much more of the higher JL technology incorporated into the sub. I have 2 of these set up with just an Alpine m605 and they pound! they require almost no power and put out more sound than my past setup of 2 Alpine type-R's. worth every penny.. but i paid much less than this for them...
i have 1 12w3v3 powered by a rfp3002. Best w3 yet. Great sound quality! well worth the money!
I have two of these running off of a Kicker ZX1000.1. Honestly, they POUND. They're sealed in a box where the back seat used to be in my dakota. Sweet sound. My amp is too big, as these require very little power to sounds good. This is my first experience with JL, but I will definitely be a loyal customer.
Fantastic sound. Very musical, yet hard hitting sub. I have 2 of the JL 13W3v3's in a custom made sealed box with a JL 500/1 and it is amazing. I can't believe the sound quality. I used to have 2 JL W0's in a sealed box with a small Orion amp. That sounded good for 10 years. I sold the old stuff and now I've moved into the 21st century and wow! These W3v3's are great. If you're into sound quality, I highly recommend these subs.
I have 2 12w3's in a ported box in a S10 and they hit...hard. I am truly impressed with the bump they make...well worth the money
I'm using one of these in a vented box in the back of my IS300 (I was originally thinking a pair, but I want to have access to my spare tire), running off an MTX 5601. That car is sealed tighter than a frog's backside and it still makes my hair move. Sound quality is amazing, just don't skimp on the enclosure and it's perfect.
the best sounding subs ive had,i have two of these in a custom sealed inclosure in my hatch-back. runing them of a jl 1ooo/1 mono block and they rock,adding another 1 soon and building new ported box. realy accurate and hard hitting subs,10/10 for the price range. you get what you pay 4 people.
I would rate these subs a six out of ten because they are not the hardest hitting but one good thing is that they are really durable because jl audio has good quality which means they will last a long time. I have two of these in my 06 altima hooked up to a 2000 watt lanzar amp quality is real good but without dynamat you lose alot of your music. I recommend this to people who like loud music but dont want to over due it. The price may be high but if you are one of those people try these out i assure u guys will enjoy these
I have two JL Audio 12W3v3-4, in a 2003 Crown Vctoria. Enclosed in a dual 12" vented box, with a 5oo/1 Jl amp powering them. The subs hit very hard, but at certian time the sq could be better. if you have the money and the space to nstall theese subs DO IT?? they are a great low to medium budget set-up. (make sure you give the subs a large box)
i have two of these in my s10 and they sound really good. they are not broke in all the way b/c i just got them but im impressed with the qaulity. i have them hooked up to a memphis mcd-1000 watt amp in a jl sealed box.
I just got one of these in my 01 ES300, and the quality is amazing. One 12 inch with a ported box and the new a1400 amp. Great sound quality and bass for 1000 bucks! Can't beat it!
I used to have 2 MTX Thunder6000 10" subs in a QLogic box. I now have 1 JL W3v3 12" in a JL box. The MTX used to hit hard, but after having the JL, I'm in a whole new world of clarity. The JL hits with such a defined and tight sound that I lost almost no overall bass by switching to 1 subwoofer. Three factors make this a great choice- 1. I'm using an Alpine Digital Mono Block amp that gives me 300 watts of well tuned sound. 2. I have the sub in the trunk of a midsize SUV so the bass disperses very well through open space. 3. The JL box is much higher quality than the QLogic crap and gives each hit a very tight noise.
Man, some of you people just don't realize what a quality amp can do for your system. I own a PPI PC275 350W ($450) amp, my friend owns a 1000W cheapie such as lanzar, power accoustic, and the such. We are both running Kicker CVR 12's, I have 1 he has 3. My system is louder and sounds better than his, even though mine's in a truck. it is all in a quality amp. PPI, JL, or Phoenix Gold. P.S. I hate kickers, saound quality is pathetic. My JL's got stolen, kicker is a cheap qppetizer before $$$ for the new JLs. JL Audio is the best. Look on TV for instance Unique Whips (speed) usually install JL Audio. Never seen a kicker on the show.
This is a great sub if you have the money. I have two of these in my 97 celica in a box exact to JL specs powered by an Alpine mrp-850 monoblock could probably go with some other subs for more bass. But as far as sound quality goes you cant get any better. They deffinatly surpass the SQ on my type R that i used to have. The only thing i dont like about these subs is that they are not dual voice coil, basically restricting the excursion. But beside that these subs deff. live up to their rep. just make sure you have them in the recommended box size otherwise its not worth it.
even though many subs are louder than these the w3's are THE hardest hitting subs i have ever heard so i picked up a 12" in a ported box powered by a rockford 450/4 with 4 eclipse 5x7 speakers and i already blew out a window in the trunk! planning on buying another and upgrading to a jl 500/1 soon, will never buy any other brand, all my friends have kickers but they are just a cheap imitation of the real thing, JL
I have two W3V3's in a ported box in a 1997 mazda protege. they are running on a Alpine M-450. WOW does it hit hard. i went to my audio place and it read at 140 db. i would definitly recommend these subs to anyone who wants quality loud audio
This is a great sub It hitts cleaner than a type R from Alpine but with less of the bass. I got this sub form this audio shop around here in Apopka in Fl and they cost me $275.00 each i have them on a 800 watt pioner class d and they are in a slot ported box to jl specs want to sell these and go with the w7 as soon as i get the money
AWESOME SUB! bought two of these. running on an alpine mrp 650 in a ported box. supposed to be about 600 watts rms, but due to the differance in OHMS in JL from all the other brands, im not even sure how many watts im putting out. Hits hard and loud, but be sure to match with the right amp!!!!!!!! Otherwise you probably wont be using them to their full potential! probably best if you go with a JL amp as well. These speakers are rated at 4 ohms but are actually 3.5 ohms, so it changes installation. Awesome sub. Recommend it, just pick the right amp to go with it. I have yet to find the full potential from these subs due to not having the right amp.
i have 2 of these in a slot ported box running off a 500/1 in my 2000 maxima and my god is it loud. the sound quality is great and it hits the low, mid, and high bass with perfection! i love these subs will not ever buy anything besides JL EVER! Just get some dynamat or roadkill so u can shut ur license plate and trunk up! 10/10 Hands Down BEST!
I Got 3 of these in my jeep whit a 500/1 amp it sounds GREAT! I love bass and it handles it all and I like when people can hear me come from around the corner they are the BEST hands down!!
I have one 12" w3v3 in my hummer H3 and i have had it for about 6 months and its the best investment i have ever made for my truck. This thing BUMPS like crazy and i only have a 300 watt amp.
ok ive owned almost every model jl has from wo series to w6's and i paired 2 of these bad boys with a jl 500/1 amp let me tell you they are very loud subs but lack a little on the deepness on low hits my jl 500/1 amp is barely up and its way too much power for these subs so im upgrading to w6v2's
Hook these babies up to any mid-range Audison amp, and your stomach will turn. No more multi-sub installation. don't go cheap on the amp and you will get more than your money's worth with these subs.
have 1 in my is250 and it hits hard running it of of a jl 250/1 turned in a prowedge box half way, and let me say im very satisfied i paided only 500 for everything installed at high tech audio out here.
I have one 12w3v3 in a 1.8cf slot ported box running off a RF p200.2. Only 270 watts RMS and it pounds in the back of a 92 4runner. Excellent SQ too.
By far the best subs ive heard. I have 3 of these bad boys in a custom made jl audio box. i have a 3500 watt amp pumpimg these things and they are rediculous bass. you will never need to upgrade again. best buy every
I just replaced 2 alpine type r's with 2 jl w3v3's and there is no comparison. The JL's hit harder and cleaner. Would reccommend to anybody
impressive. im using 1 13w3v3-8 in a house sub powered by a hafler 200rms watt plate amp. the box is a large vented 3 net cubic foot box. break in takes a bit of time . well worth the price. works so well i gave away my paradigm ps1200. currently building a second one, so cheap to build, such sound quality. 10 out of 10
i had two of this in my car the sound quality was really good and they hit pretty hard two
sealed box 1.25 cu. ft.. loose poly.. powered by 500/1.. break in took about 20 playing hours.. sound quality is off the charts.. hits all the notes.. very loud for only 300rms.. the best sub i ever had.. buy with complete confidence..
I bought 3 of these subs and stuffed them into a Ground Shaker 3 chamber vented enclosure for my '88 Suburban. Running a TMA 1000.1 amp and just hit 141 db at a sound off this past weekend. I'm happy with the out come, however, I will be upgrading my amp to possibly get just a little more "umph" from my subs... the set up does hurt my wife's ears, but kickstarts my cardioarythmia regular again... lol
I got one these bad mamajamas at a steal for get this $100 i replaced a JL10w3 that was in my jeep i built myown box out 3/4 MDFB 1.85 cubic feet sealed and this thing will tickle your balls even if your a chick the only thing i dont understand is why you didnt get one yet
Two of these, a Kicker ZX400.1, an R/T slot port box(Amazon, ad claims it's made for JL subs), a Rocford Fosgate dual amp kit, and less important here, a Kicker ZX350.4 and Memphis 6.75's and 6 X 9's, both M Class, in a 2002 Stratus R/T coupe(it's an Eclipse GT). This is the loudest 2 12" setup I have ever heard, and the Memphis M Class coax's are a great match. My car can be painfully loud, and definitely will put a tingle in your vajingle. This is a work in progress(aren't all of them?) and I will be adding a second battery and isolator, maybe more midbass later, but I don't need it, the JL's are effing brutal, and did get me a noise ticket 3 days ago. Port your rear deck and/or seats, it's worth the trouble, let the W3's breathe, and they'll make your vision blurry. For real.
i have 2 fosgate p2 and a mb quart amp 1000.1 digital and my p2 are 250rms and sound better for loud boomy bass and hits all notes anything hooked up tp a mbquartamp 1000 its overrated and its affordable did all the comparrison stay with fockford and mbquart youll be as happy as the rest...to all peace. save a few bucks...
Probably THE best sub in this price range. I had 2 kicker comps before and they were decent. But the sound quality of these W3s blows the kickers out of the water. Granted the cost more so it should but they really really do. Have 2 of these with an alpine MRX-1000 and they hit hard and sound really good. Most people think i have 2 or 3 15s. Those saying the 1000w amp is TOO much power dont know how to set their amps up. Its not the power its the clipping and destortion because their amp is shitty and they dont know how to set it up. You can make it sound like shit without the amp being too powerful. 1000w is good. I can do my settings wrong and turn the volume all the way up and make it sound like shit. But i have my volume offset to -3. And have my gain set correctly. The subs distort/clip @ about -6 on volume. So with my offset to -3 and my volume at 32/35 they hit right to the brink of distortion and my amp is not running full capacity. Ive had base since i was 16. At full volume these just hit the point where my eardrums are saying "ok only for a minute." I never ever felt like my kickers were "damaging my ears." These do. lol but only just and at max. itll tickle your eardrum a lil roughly.
Best price I could find! Works wonderful, love it!
Very happy with my JLsubs. They sound amazing. Would highly recommend this sub.
I love this subwoofer. I did a lot of research before buying and all signs irrefutably said this was the best you could get (in this price range at least) at the time. 2+ years later, the sub hits deep quick bassy punches and even heavier on the more lengthy wobbles. I would buy this again! >I'm powering this with a true 300W Alpine amplifier.
Great product, had them over a year with no problems. Recommend them for clear and quality sound. And of course Onlinecarstereo low prices. Can't be bet.
I have 2 of these 12s in my e class Benz and these things are the real deal. I have the 1000 watt jx JL audio running them and these do not disappoint. Had them over 4 yrs and still hit like Day I bought them. JL absolutely the best I’ve had .
Got it in a custom box, hooked up to my old Alpine amp, and man, this sub is slamming with clean lows. SPL says 87 dB, but I'm telling ya, it's way louder when I crank that amp.