The eXcelon Reference Fit amplifiers will satisfy the discerning mobile audiophile with its simple design and unyielding power. These amplifiers are built to be easily installed in the tightest applications yet they provide the power required to pump out the sound you want to hear.
General Features
Dual Sigma Drive
This advanced negative feed back circuit improves damping factor and increases accuracy and sound quality. When a signal is passed to a subwoofer, like a 50Hz note, the speaker will move and create the note. However, because the speaker has mass and a suspension, it won’t stop moving once it’s in motion. This extra movement (sound) creates a type of distortion that’s not part of the original signal. The negative feedback circuit senses this unwanted movement and send out an opposite pulse to stop the speaker like an electronic brake.
Very Good. Highly Recommended! Rated the Sound Improvement a 9 because the LPF only goes down to 50hz. I usually like to set mine to 30 but oh well. And Yeah, i know what 30hz does to the LPF!
A very good and powerful class D micro amp. Heat is an issue but it comes with the size. All amps this little with this much power will generate a lot of heat. I recommend mounting this one where you will get some airflow or it will go into standby mode in 85 degree weather without airflow. I have my volume boosted to about 74% pushing two Kicker Comp CVR 10"s in about .92 each. Really tight, and really hard. Amp does the job just get some ventilation for it and it will treat you good all day.