For best results SuperBANKS should not be exposed directly to the environment, particularly the avoidance of direct splashes should be considered. In systems with voltages greater than 60V it is highly recommended to use the included protective terminal caps. SuperBANKS that are expected to see significant cycling should be mounted in free air or in a forced ventilation housing. Care should be taken to protect SuperBANKS in potentially corrosive environments and direct water splash or spray should be avoided. In all environments the best possible performance is aided by using an anti-oxidation agent for all terminal connections.
Never touch the power terminals as any residual voltage can cause fatal electrical shocks. Always check with a calibrated meter that the SuperBANK is discharged prior to handling the SuperBANK, please see the step by step instructions in this manual for the discharge procedure.
Carefully observe the polarity each time you connect to it, DO NOT REVERSE POLARITY
Prior to installation or removal the SuperBANK must be properly discharged.
Provide sufficient electrical isolation for operation above 50VDC (relative to ground).
Protect surrounding electrical and conductive components from incidental contact.
Do not operate above specified voltage or temperature range
Do not touch terminals while charged, serious burns, shock or material fusing may occur.
If you have a power hungry amp like I do this will do the trick! I have a 250 amp alternator with the big 3 installed hoping it would supply the power I need, Unfortunately it wasn’t enough. My volts would still drop down to 12v. So I decided to pick up this super capacitor and now my volts will not drop more then .2v at idle at full volume. I’m extremely happy with the product a little pricey but worth it.