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JL Audio VR650-CSi

Item #11418
6-1/2" 2-Way Component Speakers System

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Product Reviews For JL Audio VR650-CSi

  • Ok First off if u want to hear music like it should be heard then go with these if u jus want to hear bass then go get sumthing eles. I personaly run all jl audio its like a religon for me im 17 years old and only a sophmore i have a 89 toyota pick up liften on 35s all u hear is road noise but with these speakers it kills all other sounds with harmony i run a pair of jl 6.5vr series on a e4300 amp and one jl w3 yes one and it does the job and it does it with perfection the xr series is very high pitched due to the design of the tweeter so u hear it with a small sensasion of pain because it is like the little girl next door with the blood curdiling scream it just plain out hurts vr has plenty of midrange and midbass along with its good highs all i wanna say is ur truely missing out if u dont get these period


  • i have the JL Audio VR650-cs's in my car and the sound quality along with the bangin subs is great. Alot of people like bass more than sound but if u buy these youll be heren bothe lyrics and bass ENJOY.


  • I just got Alpines 9835 with a pair of polk sb6500 thought the Alpine was not all that, got a pair of these, These pump out all kind of sound, hearing notes I never heard from FM or CD's in a car


  • These speakers sound great. I have them hooked up to about 50 watts rms, and they are much louder than the alpine coaxials I had. It took some time to fine tune the crossovers on my amp to keep theses speakers from sounding distorted, but once I had the amp tuned, these components really came to life. I would highly recommend JL Audio!


  • I put these in my 05 Civic I like them. Let them break in a little and then you will hear a real difference. These are about all my head utit can handle. I think I am gong to amp them and I bet that will help alot. All in all great speaker. Great JL Quality. Like how the cross over comes apart so you can hide the screws for mounting.

    Jeffrey Taplin
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