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Alpine SWR-1241

Item #11610
12" Type-R Series Subwoofer (4ohm) (Each)

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Product Reviews For Alpine SWR-1241

  • incredible bass ya'll


  • This will blow you away with out putting a damper on your wallet. Best sub I have every bought.

    John G.

  • i have seen 2 of these at a db compotition beat out a jl w7 12 with a phoenix gold 1200.1.. and it sounded better too!! for about a grand cheaper.. it was running off of an mtx amp also?? lol but yea by far the best sub on the market for the money!!

    aaron sloan

  • These subs rock. because these hit the higher frequencys too, they are better for rock and jass bass beats. However when listening to rap these pound. I have two in a custom box with about 500 watts each and they sound awesome


  • i have 2 12" type R's hooked up to a fosgate 2400 watt amp and a 300 dollar kenwood headunit in a 97 toyota landcruiser and they pound so hard!!! best subs for the money

    ashton copeland
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