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JL Audio 12W7

Item #12043
12" 1500W 3-Ohm SPL Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For JL Audio 12W7

  • I had 4 12inch MA Audio subs in my car, one W7 was louder and sound quality could not compare


  • All you need is one of these woofers.. I replaced 3 12W3's for one 12W7. They hit hard! Quality not Quantity.


  • powerfull!!! LOUD and CLEAR, i replaced my rockfords with this, and guys this is way way better... totally awesome!!!

    billy diaz

  • Great sound!! Loud as hell but not woth the money. I fyou are thinking about this sub but want better value go with either the IDMAX. If you want to spend the money, get the Orion.


  • You get what you pay for people! highly recomend this sub to anyone!


  • Thhis sub hits so hard I broke all my windows out of my jeep I have six and have gotten five disturbing the peace tickets I recomend them to everyone.


  • The 12w7 bottom`s out to mutch they are not xpl speekers and are not warth the money they caust if you want a good speeker get the kicker L7`s they presher up good and they bang relly hard jL cant compeat with kicker.

    shane from La.

  • it is not about hitting hard because thats just showing off. it is about quality. hence the name "kicker". kicker = hard hits but thats all. they are even marketed to the public that way if you look at their adds.kicker sucks

    ryan ryan

  • This is one bad to the bone sub. Like JL or not. I had three 12inch JL W6's about four years ago and to this day it was the best sounding system I've ever heard. I've got two 10inch L7's now in my Mustang Mach 1 and not having my Jl's makes me miss my Sebring!!! OK maybe that's too far. Jl is top dogg in my book. Put one of these in JL's ported box and enjoy while you can still hear. Personally I think it's insane to spend this much on a single sub, but in the right box it hits as good as any pair of $300 subs I've ever heard. There are some awesome subs out now and I haven't heard them all but this and the MTX 9500 are incredible subs to say the least... P.S. Kicker doesn't suck!!!


  • I don't care what anyone says, the money I spent on my 12w7 with the ported box is the best money I've spent in many years of building systems. Not only does it hit harder than any of my friends Kicker, Rockford, Alpine, etc... setups but it hits CLEAN. If you are looking to blow out your eardrums with perfect bass the W7 is the ONLY way to go.


  • The JL audio 12 W7 is by far the best sub I ever owned. The sound quality is awsome and the SPL produced by one of these baby's will make jaws drop. Make no mistake this sub is the best on the market.


  • This is the greatest sub ever created. It hits hard at the low levels, and sounds so clean even at the higher levels. All around the best sub, if you can spend the cash.


  • I had two 12w3 sealed in a jl box. I replaced it with one 12w7 on 600 watts this sub hits low and hard. My friend who has two L7's thought I had two 15's no joke this sub one of the best on the market. I of these will kick the hell out of L7 ,audiobahn, or rockford no comparison.


  • I just bought a w7 and it is awsome! I have a JL 500/1 hooked up to it and it is just a great combination. There are alot of features on this sub. The sound quality of this sub is amazing! The cost is what gives it it's name. I love it!!!!


  • First of all let me say JL is the best, and if you want the best you pay for it because of the name and technologies associated. There is no argument, this is a loud sub but the accuracy is lacking because the sub is so loud your ears cant pick up the individual notes. Unless you are just buying the best to have the best I would suggest something else for the price because you could build a better system for the money. However, an amazing subwoofer thats top quality. If you want loud booming bass you can feel and to be deaf, then buy JL!!! If you love music and accurate bass choose something else.


  • listen up everyone!!! this is one serious sub but to all the haters of the other companies... you have to realize that you can make almost any of those subs sound good. You just have to make the right box and setup for the type of vehicle you drive. buying a premade box from Best Buy aint gonna get you a good sounding system. I've got a pair of earthquake dbx12d's that sound incredible and i hit a max spl of 151.7db's. But i have a properly calculated enclosure and setup for my car. So like I said if your serious enough to buy this great sub, be serious enough to make a good enclusure and set up for your vehicle.


  • no doubt about it this is the best sub on the current market..1 of these subs is = to 3 jl w3 's.. anything less than 1 inch lumber when building this box would break apart..massive,powerfull,expencive and well worth every hard earned dollar


  • i own a w7 12 and it is the best sounding and loudest sub i have ever heard it killed my 3 kicker solobarics i had. i could not beleive how loud it was and who cares how much it cost you get what you pay for and i got a great sub the best ever made for real.

    chris vang

  • this w7 sub is the best sounding sub i have ever heard in my life and i know those of you who have heard it know what i'm talking about i only have one and that was good enough for me and my neighbors i am currently pushing my w7 with a zapco 2000 watt mono amp and a $600 pioneer deck and a stinger cap because you are going to need it i plan to get another 12 w7 because my amp is too strong for my w7 but this sub is well worth it's price.


  • It is a very good sub. But for the price it isn't worth it. You're talking about a sub that hits super hard. Well, buddy, why pay $600.00 for 1, 1000W RMS sub, when you could get 2 Audiobahn 2000W RMS subs, for only $300.00. So, price wise, Audiobahn is better. The JL Audio is only good because it can hit a little bit harder than the Audiobahn, but it doesn't even compare when it comes to sound quality.

    T Dawg

  • I agree with T Dawg. These speakers are waaaaay to overpriced and thats real. Dont get me wrong, they are awesome, provide clean bass response and they are amzing considering the size. HOWEVER....... People need to stop making generalizations. To say that one of these speakers blow out a Rockford Fosgate speaker says nothing. Which model? If up against the Punch series of course they blow them out the water. But if you put these up against the Power series, the Power series destroys the W7's in terms of bass output. Put these up against the Fosgate Team RF's and JL can kiss it good bye. But thats just my opinion.


  • The JL W7 is the most linear subwoofer I've heard in a while. Even one of these hit hard as hell. But if you want one you better save a lot of money. But they are worth it

    Cody Baker

  • Worth every penny. Had the guys at AudioVideo put it in and did a great job of making the sub sound fantastic. Don't convince yourself anything else is better just because you are too cheap. Suck it up - you won't regret it.


  • I think JL is the best! even w0 sound good and agressive if you build the right box. The W7 is the leading speaker on the market because you can get any sound you want out of it. If you know how to build the right box. I like kicker,audiobahn,maaudio,rockford fosgate,mtx, and other brands but i dont think they offer the same sound quality and both spl you get out of jl's line of products. with a w7 you can get hard punch power bass with a sealed box and deeper drown out loude bass with a ported box. jl has the most versital speakers and all around audio pruduct a company can by. yes other companies make great products and sound great but i think jl takes there stuff a step ahead of most companies. jl is very pricy but in the long run you will get you moneys worth. because jl last a long time they don't wear as quick as other companies. if you dont push your speakers over the there handeling capacity you can keep the booming for a lifetime!


  • Hey I admit this is a nice sub, but is it worth the money ... Advice to anyone on this site go with 2 diamond audio tdx 12's and you'll be set straight plus they have good sound quality on top of it. oh by the way the cone for your w7's cost about 2$ to make the cone for diamonds tdx 12's cost 65$ to make get the picture ? kicker l7's are decent too. I have two twelves and they beat the hell out of the w7's


  • I have had many systems in my car and by far this system has beaten all of my others. not only dows this sub hit harder than any other, but if you think about it, this one sub for 600 dollars hits as hard if not harder than two 3 or 4 hundred dollar subs. the sound is clean and if you are looking for something good, jl audio has it. ps kicker doesnt suck, jl's w7 is just that good


  • Im going to do my best to end the 9500 vs. w7 war. I went to my local store and bought a 12 inch w7 and a 12 inch 9500. I used JL's 1000/1 amplifier for both subs. The box i bought was custom made to work with either sub and give neither one an advatage. I then had the system installed in the back of my 2004 Grand Cherokee. First off i tested the w7. And yes it is indeed an impressive subwoofer, but it missed several notes when played. I then took out the w7 and put the 9500 in. And at the same gain level on the amp and volume on the deck, the 9500 plain outperformed the w7. It won in both loudness and clarity. I tested each sub severla times and let freinds listen to them without knowing which sub was in. And all of them chose the 9500. Im not being biast but i put both to the test and the mtx 9500 was the winner. The w7 is a nice sub, but the 9500 wins in price as well as sound. Test it for yourself and see what you think.


  • FORGET ALL THE HYPE surrounding this sub and the JL Audio W7. When powered properly, and set in the propper enclosure, they have almost equally high quality sound performance. It all depends on the listeners ear. These are the two best subwoofers on the market, hands down. The only thing that sets the MTX Thunder 9500 (MSRP $550)apart from the JL Audio W7(MSRP $850) is that the MTX is priced considerably cheaper than the JL (for the dimmer minds among you, about $300). So if it was up to me I would choose the MTX as the best.


  • to all the clowns out there tryna knock the w7 stop. if there were one true best sub out there there would be no competitors. every one has their own opinion thats what makes it fun. me ive got two 12 w7's in the trunk of a acura cl. the box is custom. its slot ported(which jl recommends) its also 1.72 cu ft. ive got both subs tuned at 32 hz. two 1000/1 pushin them and oh boy do you here me comin. i listen to all lil jon beats and you can here the detail and bass. in my opinion the dubb 7 is the best sub on the planet. the others are ok. the w7 to me is just best. plain and simple.


  • All this about one special sub. All i have to say is that a person gets what they pay. This sub is not made to hit one million db's on the spot. This sub needs time to break in and after the quality is great. Im running two in my jetta with a Hifonics 1.1500 at 2 ohms because two 4ohms subs wired up match to become 2ohms, so running the amp and the subs at the same ohmage, one will get the full potential of a subwoofer. My recomendation is to buy it if one has the money, but if ou can't afford it then don't go out maxxing out you credit cards and just buy three W3v2's because those subs also rock. Well, it's you choice and pick. Prop's to the JL Technitians, because they have brought out something great that is going to make history.

    R. Zuniga

  • I have a jeep grand cherokee with 2 12w7s hooked up to 1000/1 to each sub and they blew my windows out. ive won every competition around here hitting 177 on the dash... BEAT THAT MTX AND KICKER

    Brit Breland

  • unbelieveible sound quality. i highly recommend this sub to anyone who is real bout qualitly in there stereo subs..never herd a sub like this its awsome. buy this sub and you wont regrete. you will have this for the rest of you life in any of your cars down the road. good investment if you get over the cost. I have just one w7 hooked up to a 1000\1 in my impreza wrx and wow. hits low! love it


  • I bought 4 12" JL W7, THEY POUND, THEY HEAR ME COMIN FROM 4 BLOCKS AWAY. I am pushin them with 2 1500w JL Audio Amps. I certainly recommend these to anybody who wants to pound. I take these to bass wars and put everybody to shame.

    Joe Billingsley

  • i heard 4 these things in the back of a yukon and it made my hat fall off my head within 5 seconds. if u get these then u will make ur friends systems sound like little portable cd player bass.

    that boy

  • Three weeks ago i got rid of my three 12w3v2's. Then i got two 12w7's in the back of my tahoe and those two subs are so loud in my car and they sound and hit so hard. If you are looking for a good quality sub or a very hard hitting one get the 12w7 you will not regret it.

    Britt from North Carolina

  • I had a 12W7 which was a great sub.When put in the slot-port recommended enclosure it sounded amazing loud and perfectly clear. I was however dissapointed and very pissed when it blew. I had it on JL audio 1000/1 amp set at 750 rms watts just as recommended by jl and it blew. I was not satisfied with the quality and jl has many stipulations on their warranty


  • Okay guys....to everyone that thinks ANY rockford fosgate sub can compare to a W7 is out of their mind. The W7 can not only hold its own in terms of db, but it can kill any other sub in sound quality. One of these with the right box and the right amp....will blow you away. JL is the best around.


  • i had 4 kicker L7s that sound great but when i put these w7s in my suv they hit harder than anybody in my town they hit too hard at times i have to turn my amp on minimal settings beacause eveything in my suv is comming loose

    kedron davis

  • This is the hardest hitting sub out i heard 10 kickers hooked up to 1200 watts and then i heard one 12 w7 and it hit twice as hard. I have in the back of my trailblazer with a 500/1 amp and it is the bext ive hard yet better then anyone else

    Big Josh

  • dub 7's are it they hit hard as any 12 out there and the sq is amazing. I have one in my impala with a old rockford 1000.2 so i can run it at 3 ohms at about 1000 watts and i dont need any more thump! let me know when you can get on jl's level with this one.....


  • If you have the money buy this sub. I went to Tweeter and heard a w7 12, and a w7 13.5 and those subs are ridiculous. Very Clear and it hits Hard at low volumes. I love Subwoofers and ive heard them all from Alpine type X's, Mtx 9500's, Kicker L7's and a bunch of other subs but i think these are the best out of all of them. The only problem is the money. For one of these subs you could buy 2 12's of other good quality subs which bump just as hard. But this sub is superb sound quality at its peak. Comparing this sub to others i think these are the best way to go if you have the money because you will need a good amp( preferably JL 500/1 or the 1000/1). With amps like those you literally can hear this sub a block away if installed properly


  • I have one 12w7 powered with a JL 500/1 and I've got to say that it not only hits hard as hell, but the sounds quality is beyond anything I've ever had before. My friends feel the same way, as they are trying to sell their stuff so they can be like me.


  • This sub is the loudest thing I have ever heard. It sets off car alarms from 1/2 a block away, no joke. I only have a 500 rms Alpine mrd m605 running it, which underpowers it about 200 watts, and it still sounds incredible. My ears hurt after 20 sec of strong bass which forces me to turn it down. I had a S10L5 kicker before this and I thought that was loud, lol, it was not even close to this sub. The price tag is the only downfall, not worth over 600 in my opinion, but it does sound better than anything I have ever owned. I am thinking about buying a jl 1000/1 to really push it, but I don't wanna go deaf(literally). Awsome sub with the right box, get a ported, youll love it.


  • I have a 2005 ford F-250 crew cab Fx4 with a 8in pro comp lift, sittin on 35in super swampers. I took the back seats out and installed 6 of theese!!!! With a jl slash 500/1 powering each. All in a custom fiberglass enclosure. All of my windows including my windsheild have blown out!!! The headliner, back wall. firewall, and floorboard have been coated in dynamat. This setup is extremely loud. My best friend has a 2001 F-150 extended cab, and has 10 12in kicker compvr's. HAHA his sounds like 6x9's compared to mine! I recomend this sub to every one


  • best subs ever recommended to all!! i own a car audio store so listen up.had to in a 05 nissan altima tested it with a friend could hear me 10 mins away but dont listen to all the other people on here sayin 500/1 amp is enough.... the only way to power these babies is a 1000/1 per sub u wont regret it


  • I have a 2000 Cadillac STS with Two screens and one tweleve inch Dub Seven(what we call them) and a JL 500 by 1 and it is rediculous I always set off alarms and is heard from blocks away is rock the ground,.

    julius acoff

  • This is literally the best speaker money can buy in almost any speaker savee person's mind. You could not overload this speaker if you tried. This speaker has absolutely perfect sound with no distortion. This sub can literally break things when it hits. If you buy any other sub in this class and pass this your going to regret it if you ever here one of these. The only complaint I have is almost having a heart attack on a strong bass song haha

    John Landreth

  • Everyone on here compares this sub to any other one they can think of. The thing is that this sub was designed for not just SPL, which it appears is what most of you all are looking for, but also for high SQL. Yeah if you want something to just thump go buy yourself some Rockfords, Audiobahns, MTX 9500's, or even Alpine Type X's. If you want an all around great sub check this out. If in the correct box and installed properly in your vehicle I hardly find it likely you will be disappointed. Personally if you're looking for sound quality I would recommend Focal Utopia series subs. They are VERY EXPENSIVE, even far more than the W7, but if you're looking for the best for quality of sound they are probably your best bet.


  • I got 2 of these in my 2000 Intrepid. Let me say, I had the alpine's the cerwin vega's, kicker and many other sub's and nothing sound as nice and hard as the W7's. So if you don't know what your talking about please just keep it to your self. You can't go wrong buy these. Just make shure your box is built right.

    P. Contreras

  • i have had about 6 pair of subs before i bought a w7 and i am finally completely satisfied. this one sub sounds like 6 rockford fosgate p2s and four alpine type r's. also its sound qualtiy is unreal while at the same time i truly feel every note in my legs and chest. i drive a buick park ave and with its big trunk its so hard to hear every note let alone feel it with your average subs(alpine and diamond audio) but i will never have that problem again. but at the same time with the money i spent on my w7 i could of got a similar system for a little cheaper but you get what u pay for and i would buy it again.


  • have to say owned many different subes before i spent the money to buy one of these.. well should of just bought one to begin with and saved myself a bunch of money.. i got a w7 with an alpine v12 1000w mono block amp in my 85 riviera i bump it hard all day everyday for the past 2 years!!! i get asked all the time if i got more than 1 15 in there... do yourself a favor and spend the money on a w7 first!!!! and learn from our mistakes!!!


  • I have tried alot of great speakers in alot of different enclosures and setups. But this woofer has to be the mother of them all! This sub hits hard, sounds phenominal, and outperforms every other woofer in its class. This IS the best all around woofer in existence.

    Chris Sullivan

  • I recently got one of these installed in a sealed box in my 05 impreza. Before that I had 2 12" alum eclipse in a 00 sentra. I powered both systems with an Xtant X1001 amp. I went with JL because I wanted to save a little weight while keeping the very deep low frequency bass loud and clear. One thing I don't like about my current setup vs my old setup is the impedence. Before my amp saw my two 12's in parallel as only 1 ohm so it cranked out more than it's rated power. Now I have tripled the ohm load so my amp is working a lot harder. This is JL's conspiracy to marry their subs to their amps which I will eventually do. Right now I'm fully satisfied with the clarity and SPL. This sub doesn't miss a beat. I recommend going out and buying the cd Tweekend by The Crystal Method and you will know what I'm talking about. On a more personal note... those people going for deafening loud bass are just silly in my opinion. If you want to annoy people spend 5 bucks and put a whistler in your muffler. If you want to impress people that get INSIDE your car... go with this sub. Peace


  • I have one of these in a ported box installed in a Tahoe and have put it to the test time and time again. If you are looking for clean bass at any power level as well as head knocking spl this is definately the way to go. You get what you pay for. I have personally owned the mtx 9500 and it is cheaper but does not match up. For those that say this sub misses any notes perhaps you should check that your amplifier is tuned correctly and this may fix your problem. Hands down even in 2008 the w7 is still among the titans of spl and sound quality..


  • This is the 4th $500+ sub I have owned. I am totaly impressed with the sound quality of this thing. I have it in a built to JL spec ported box in the trunk and it rocks. Not as loud as the RF 12T2 but much better sound quality without any distortion. It really needs 600+ watts for best performance.


  • I think this sub is good overall, its very loud SPL but there are louder subs for cheaper. As far as sound quality, these are the best I've heard before. The only competition I see these subs having as far as the best of both SPL and SQ are the Orion HCCA's... The HCCA's are easily louder than these and just as clear for $350ish... I'll trade a W7 for a HCCA any day of the week.


  • I have two 12W7 and two Jl1000 in my honda accord in a ported box with 6 cu ft thats 3 feet for each subs. I have them from 2004 and they still hit hard i wont change them for any other subs.For all you people talking bad you dont know what your saying. I love them i wont change them for any other subs W7 the best!!!!


  • WORTH THE $$$!!!! I have one JL 12W7 in the JL High Output (H.O.) box with the JL 1000/1v2 in a 99 Camry. I got it hooked up through the Alpine 9887 running Hertz Energy components in the front doors and Hertz 6x9s in the back off of JL 450x4v2. Also running 2 Kinetik power cells the 1800 under hood and 800 in trunk. Front doors, rear deck, trunk and liscence plate dynamatted. This sub ROCKS feels like my car (which is tight/solid for a 99 or was until this) is gonna shake apart!!!! ANY kind of music from 3-6/ Lil Wyte, to Tool to NIN to Hank Jr. to Radiohead, GREAT SQ!!!!!!


  • I dont care what any of you say the w7 is by far the best sub out there it is clear hits all the low and high notes and every one in between i have 2 12w7 with 1000/1 JL amp to each and people hear me comeing from 4 blocks away i drive a 2002 altima and i have had to replace the rear glass twice. the down fall is tthe money but these subs are worth every cent that i have gave for them. i recomend them yo ne one thad wants to have clear clean bass and wants to be a show stopper this is the sub for you


  • i have only one JL auido w7 12"...with an Xplod 1200watt amp hooked up to it. ..and dang that pounds..HARDDDD!! everything is vibrating. even the smoke from my cigarrette.. my whle body feels vibration from this awesome woofer i would never trade this for anything...

    Robert/SicC LoC

  • READ THIS FIRST BEFORE BUYING AND COMPARING TO BAD REVIEWS! This subwoofer IS the best sounding one out there. Bad reviews are based on bad matching of resistance and underpowering! This sub needs 2-3 OHMS ONLY! And MUST TAKE 1000W RMS! NO LESS! Buy this if you can handle the power. 2 JL W7 ProWedge 2 Alpine PDX-1000 20 Farad Cap


  • best sub period my friend has 2 12" mtx 9500's and my one w7 in the pro wedge box slaps just as hard off a shity sony xplod 1200 watt amp my friend payed $3000 i spent $1100 do the math its worth it JL AUDIO is the HANDS DOWN WINNER ANYDAY OF THE WEEK


  • prolly the cleanest sounding sub ive ever heard just bought a mustang cobra and was tryin to find the right system for it and that could fight they told me it wouldnt fit but took some stuff apart wedged it in and put it on my 500/1 and cant be happier beats hard and sounds real clean you dont hear rattle you here straight clean bass


  • The MTX Thunder 9500 Beats It For Bass All Hand Down


  • Compared too rockford and mtx high powered subs the fall short/too expensive and you can get the same sound quality for cheaper


  • Look I got 4 w7 12" subs,in a custom plex. 4 1000/1's. STUPID! I cant turn it up to 16. it hurts, Really you head would pop! in a 96' ford explorer!!! all you out there w/ foolish comments, STOP IT!

    jeffrey sweeting

  • " Miller " i think your problem is that you didn´t bought the right amp, i had mtx, kicker solox and now i have one w7 12 with a 1000/1 JL amp, and believe me is the cleanest and best overall sub i had heard. try JL mono amps


  • These are the best subs on the planet PERIOD!! The only thing that comes close are Memphis MOJO's. Any body who writes a bad review is just hatin cause they either can't afford the subs or can't afford a real amp to push them. I have 3 12w7's in my Pathfinder and I have already ruptured two peoples eardrums. Literally.




  • I've had a JL-W12 with a 500/1 mono block JL Amp,it was ok.. I upgraded to a Kicker 15-L7 an the JL couldn't touch it.

    Big E

  • I have a 12" with the H.O. box, with the 1000/1 jl amp. The best sub i have ever heard. Nothing compares to this beautifull amp. the excursion is incredible.

    Eddie G.

  • i had two rockford fosgate punches hooked up to 1,000 watts of power and they hit pretty hard then i got this w7 and holy crap i got the best back massage of my life! just one question i have a jl audio 500/1v1 what is the best setting to run this sub on this amp to get the maximum perfomance? i messed with it for a while and my amp still keeps shutting off and its not the voltage so if any one knows comment back.


  • i got 2 in my accord custom wall 2 jl 3000w 2 yellow tops and it does not beat my type x in my yukon


  • I had one of these in a sealed box abound 1.5 cu. ft and it was wired up to a profile california series amp and it pounded hard as hell. i wired my alpine type r up to the same amp same settings and everything the alpine played the lows and highs much cleaner than the w7 id rather take alpine over jl any day of the week. cheaper, better sq, more reliable, and just overall better subs alpine all the way


  • Yes i have a jl aduio 12 w7 and it hits hard i would like to have another one just like it i have it hooked up to a kicker zx750.1 and it hits pretty hard i recomond the jl aduio 1000/1v2 because it can handle 1000 watts and this kicer anp is at 2ohms and the jl is at 3 ohms and the jl 1000/1 can do 1.5-4ohm loads


  • got one of theses in my cavalier, with 4,000 max pro amp (terrible amp) these don't hit as hard as some other subs but it has the best sound quality for only a little less hit, and thats with a shitty amp can't wait to get a jl amp to run it.


  • I had a 2 JL 12W7S hooked up to a JBL BPX2200, I thought they sounded great until I hooked up my buddy's 2 JBL W12GTi MkII most amazing subs I have ever heard in my life


  • I have two of these in 08 Impala and they make my whole car shake. cant wait to see how they do with a 1000 watt JL amp.


  • I haven't even Installed my 12w7 and it's still the best thing i've ever heard...looks great, will sound awesome. and for only $450...


  • I've been in to comp car audio since 1989, bought my first 2 J L Audio 15's in 90 been buying there subs ever since. I've used US Amps and Rodek amps on them with good xovers, allways kicked every bodys ass, but these sub's are a step above that, the way they hit is OMG bass like no other out there, VERY SOLID, I have just 1 12w7 in a fiberglass box (120lb) in my 4x4 Ranger xcab with a Zapco DC1100 amp and it popped the back window out!! Got to have a fiberglass box and a GOOD quality amp, you'll be very happy!!

    Dan Tomasso

  • I'm a Memphis sub type of guy. But when I heard 3 jl w3's. I was like wow. Then I heard one w7 in a potted box. And it felt like my head was going to shake off lol. I am about to buy one of these for my 2007 f150. Wit a 500.1 amp. I will buy the 1000/1. Later. Buy this sub. You will never go back. I loved the mojos until I heard a w7. Get over the price. I did as soon as he turned up the volume

    Thomas b

  • the best car adio around is JL AUDIO and FI CAR AUDIO if you want o be pounding the S*** out of your friends heads get this or any other jl audio, and if not this go with an Fi subwoofers > FiBTL 18


  • i have this jl w7 12 on a 500/1 the first model with 4ga wires and i must tell you for that amp to be a 500/1 she hits hard i tell you. i also have it in the H.O. box in a 95 caprice and i am satisfied.


  • All of you are full of crappp that say any other subs are better then the dub7. I have had Kickers and I have had Pioneers and they don't even compair. I now have one 12 dub7 in my ford probe in a customized box and a 1000 true watt JL amp and no ones system even comes close to how hard mine hits. I have had to replace my hatch 3 times already, My window shattered and it rattles all the screws loose. It's well worth the money! They make anyone elses system sound like a pair of 6x9's...


  • This has got to be one of the best subs I have ever bout. I had 3 kicker solo l7's before this and now I have one of these with a tru jl 1000.1 and it hits harder and sounds cleaner. I love it


  • If it can be agreed that volume displacement (xmax multiplied by sd) is the factor in which makes a sub woofer loud, than the jl audio 12w7 and 13 is the loudest sub woofer you can buy given the power rating compared against other subs. The jl 12w7 has an 84" sqared sd (effective cone surface area) and 1.15 xmax (excursion). No other subwoofer thats 1000 rms on the market has this. Mtx audio actually proves this with their volume displacement calculator on their website. There only argument is that the mtx 9500 10" is louder than the 10" 12W7, which is true, but the 12w7 compared to the 12 mtx 9500, blows it out of the water. Basically my point is that if you don't have the room for 4 or 6 12" ported high end subs whether it be kicker, mtx, rockford, etc-than go with 2 jl w7's 12's or 13's in a jl built to specs box.


  • One of the best subs i have ever heard. Sound quility is great, if you get the jl audio 1000.1 amp this sub will be crazy loud. If you have the money BUY this subwoofer, you will not be disappointed


  • I had bought my uncles 86' Mercedes Benz 300E. I had put a sub system from my previous car. Due to the Benz having a sealed trunk is was severly lacking the power to sound better than a walk-man. I went on the hunt for new subs and when I first saw the 13" JL W7's surround I thought to myself, "This has to be loud." I also got the JL Audio 1000/1 mono block amp and also had an epicenter for bass restoration and a capacitor. I must say that this blew me away. I couldn't beleive how rich the bass tones were. I fell in love. I had went through a tough time and lost the car, subs, and amp. I will buy another set when I get things back on track. This sub is worth the money.


  • Any idiot doubting himself about buying this sub, needs therapy. Even though this sub isn't cheap, it's definitely worth the money. I bought this 12w7 with a 1000/1v2 Amp last week and built my own customized box (with the correct specs on JL's website), and oh my god this S.O.B is loud. I drive a 2005 Hyundai Tiburon GT (Tuscani) and I just blew the glass out of my hatch two days ago. This sub has Clean, Crisp bass. It's hard to find a sub with SQ and Loudness. You won't be disappointed.


  • Greatest subs ever made ever! I had the 10w7 and decided to get the 12w7 for a little more bass and the deeper notes. This subs by far has the best sound quality and accuracy then any sub I have ever heard in my life. I will never one anything other than w7 unless jl starts making w9's!!!!!! lol

    Jared Greene

  • I have this in a 2012 avalanche running off a 1000 watt jl audio amp and itsounds great never seams to distort no matter how loud it is I won't buy any thing but jl from now on


  • maybe if you guys are talking about 2 l7 kickers or 2 of the other ones then of course they are going to be louder than 1 w7. but 1 on one or 2 on two you are high and have your amp tuned wrong box not built right. something. i've owned every one of all the speakers the negaive reviews said and there is just nothing like this sub. yeah it is expensive but well worth the money if you really believe and want quality.

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