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Alpine CDA-9807

Item #13218
CD/MP3/WMA Receiver with CD Changer Controls

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Product Reviews For Alpine CDA-9807

  • look and very clean sound, love the mp3 feature. not so cheap but I think online car stereo has the lowest price on this unit. Don't think twice you can not beat alpine's quality


  • Wow what a difference from my stock system...even with stock speakers, this thing sounds great. The sound quality is very crisp and the look blends in well with the dash of my Passat. Doesn't have the fancy graphics (which I'm happy about)and the look is simple and clean. Very happy with it thus far. I also like the fact that one does not have to open the face to insert a cd...a rarity these days...highly recommended..t quite the Bose Beta II in my father's S500 Benz, but for the money, it's quite a system!


  • this is an awesome head unit! worth every bit of the money i paid for it. if you want a good head unit alpine is the way to go!


  • The best tuner I have used. XM control is very good the only problem is only 8 characters at a time show in the display. But it does scroll. Not really a big deal


  • i love this radio... i had one installed in my car and i sold the car.. but i made sure i purchased another one before it went. i freaked when i could find one to buy but i found one on this site!

    Natalie Blanchard
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