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MTX Thunder801D

Item #13291
400W x 1 Mono Subwoofer Amplifier

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Product Reviews For MTX Thunder801D

  • I was drawn to this mono amp because of its size. I did not have much room to work with in my small hatchback and this small amp pumps out a clean 800 watts when at 2 ohms 14volts(it slams my 15)


  • it sounds great with my 2 15 kicker comp vr's


  • This is one of the best mono amps i have had the great fortune of stumbling upon in my never ending search for Car audio. Great amp, great price, runs even my most power hungry subs with ease.


  • I have this amp on two MTX 7500 12" Woofers and they slam. They are off the chain.The best amp I have everhad for the money.


  • this has a lot of power for the price i am running them on 2 phoenic gold vr 10 and this amp is pushing them so hard i think 1 is starting to flutter good amp for price . mike t. from f. texas

    big mike

  • awesome product. did spl competiton, pushed 146db with two 7500 12s in sledehammer enclosure. this amp is a must.


  • A very good amplifier. Good S/N ratio, produces a clean sound with minimal noise. Would recomment this company to anyone

    DJ Toure
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