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Infinity Reference 1230w

Item #13353
12" 1200W 4-Ohm Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Infinity Reference 1230w

  • simply put.. i dont care how hard you look, you will NOT find a better sub for under a 100 bux... this thing RUMBLES for the money you pay... it rattled my rearview mirror off wit two of em in a sealed box with a 1200 watt amp...


  • these are the best speakers for the money. I have 8 of these bad boys in my escalade and they pound. You can hear me across town.

    Nathan Fries

  • Nice kick, excellent value. It's great for rock. I'm running 2 on an Xplod 760W amp in a sealed box; sweet bass drum punch. I could use a bigger amp, but they run well on what I have.


  • This is the best sub arround. I have one In my truck In a sealed enclosure powerd by a PPI amp it kicks hard!

    Chris Richards

  • I have 2 of these Infinitys in a Sealed Box,In my truck, they sit right behind my head.. with a Rockford Fosgate 1800 watt amp.. It shakes windows when I pass houses...


  • mine lasted 3 months and then i started having trouble with them... havent been the same since.. I have 1 12' and a 500watt bazooka amp and the amp fried it...


  • I have 2 of these and I have only been complimented on them by them being the best around. Not only is that a plus but so is the price I paid for the high quality sound. I ran 2 at 75 watts with a Rockford 900 Punch, and then switched to mono to shake off my rearview mirror, these subs are great!


  • THese are insane for the money. I dont think ive heard anything that slammed this good for the price. These are very good.


  • Real Nice for the price. Hit nice and hard. Clean. Real Loud. But what got me was the amazing price. I picked up two of these puppies and now I'm rockin'


  • I got two of these in my car with a sealed box, getting ready to change to a portd box. These bad boys rock, i got about 750w going to each one and you can hear me from a mile away coming down the road.

    J Dubz
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