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Audiobahn AWC10T

Item #13587
10" 800W Dual 4-Ohm Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Audiobahn AWC10T

  • i have one of these (AWC10T) 10's and it isnt really 800 watts it is 400 peak. i also have a 480 watt power acustic amp and a cop pulled me over but didnt give me a ticket cause he was impressed on what it could do.this is by far the best 10 i've ever heard. it's louder than 2 12's and has zero distortion.


  • This is an excenent sub. I have on in a ported box powered by a 760 watt sony amp and it hits hard and you would not believe the sound quality. It replaced a Fosgate HE2 and is by far a better speaker. Especally for the money.


  • this sub is a great deal while i am still breakin mine in i have a memphis 1000kd pushing these tens and it definetly sounds better than those cheap 12s people buy from best buy

    benjamin geertson

  • this is the best sub ive owned for 10 you cant go wrong for the money they hit really hard pushing them with a power acoustik lfa 1800 600 rms audiobahn rocks

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