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Alpine MRD-M501

Item #13853
275W x 1 mono subwoofer amplifier

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Product Reviews For Alpine MRD-M501

  • Nice features. I'm running it @ 2ohms into a Boston Acoustics 10.5lf and it hits pretty hard and very clean. Recommended.


  • This amp has amazing sound quality, but lacks the power that other amps in this price range have. In my opinion their are much better amps out their for the money.


  • This is a great amplifier. It has many great features and the sound quality is the best out of any amp that I have ever heard. The only thing is that for the price it does not have as much power as some of the other amps out there for the same price, but features and sound quality help make up for the cost.

    Cory Lostritto

  • This is a great amp! The reason it is a little more spendy than other 500watt amps is because of its features. This amp will not shut off into protect mode, it will just lower its volume 6dBs also with a parametric EQ built into the amp you can tweak your bass pretty well. This amp is well worth the money!!


  • This is the best amp. The only reason these other people are complaining is because they do not know what they are doing settings wise.


  • The features are Great! The sound is great. The power is very good; it slams my 10" Aluminum Eclipse, but competitors have more power in the price range.


  • I have 2 of these. This is my 1st time ever buying car audio. I was looking around and that and what these amp have, they hit my SWR-1221D hard. I have 2 of those subs, one of each MRD-M501. I have these amps tuned to give off the most bass they can give. They may not have alot of power for their price but when tuned right, they hit hard. They are wired to do 4 ohms @ 275 watts RMS. For the price of these amps and what they have, it's well worth the money. And don't forget, they are Digital which boosts the price up too.

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