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Lanzar OPTI1234D

Item #14027
12" 2200W Triple Magnet Dual 4-Ohm Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Lanzar OPTI1234D

  • By far, if you are looking for a sub that is going to give you a deep competition bass, but still keep good sound quality, then this is the sub. It is nicely priced also. Currently in Madera CA at Sound Unlimited(Nations top lanzar dealer), they are almost at world record with these subs in a 80's series Cutlass.(8 of these Opti's, matched up wit 8 Opti 1400D's- bridged at 1.3 ohms =22,000watts). If you want more SPL, go with this sub, if you want more clear bass, go with the silver aluminum OptiDrive woofer.


  • I currently own 2 of these subs in a dual ported box and 2 Directed 750D into each of them. My car rattles like is in the middle of an earthquake. I have been told it can be heard from about 3 blocks away. I Recommend them to anyone who is looking to have great sound but limited budget (if you have the money, go HiFonics Goliath series).


  • very nice sub, i just installed 2 on an Autoek 1500 its very clean and deep in a ported enclosure.

    Ray's Kustoms
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