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Boss Audio MR690

Item #14293
6x9" 150W RMS (300W Peak Power Handling) 2-Way Marine Grade Coaxial Boat Speakers

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Product Reviews For Boss Audio MR690

  • I put this on my boat with another 2 boss speaker 6x5 , so now i got 2 6x9 and 2 6x5 , this speakers sound AWESOME !! and they are cheap ! .. they are great ! I accidently left the water dropping too much on them i thought i lost them , but the next day they just keep on working Just Fine ! im looking foward and buying the amplifier boss and the subwoofer ! they are GREAT

    Jose Perez

  • My husband and I ordered these for our 1998 Regal- they are excellent speakers for what they are and the price! If you're looking for something with a decent sound quality and some "punch" for a reasonable price, these are all you! We like these speakers so much that we're buying new ones for our new boat. Highly recommend! The only downside.. We had these hooked up to our Sony radio along with (2) 6.5 Alpines... It was drawing too much power from the radio and kept knocking it out at certain volumes. We installed a 640 watt JBL amp and it eliminated the problem.

    Craig Woods
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