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Kicker 04SS65.2

Item #14417
6-1/2" component speaker system

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Product Reviews For Kicker 04SS65.2

  • Hands down the best component system on the market!!! WELL worth the money spent. They are clear as a bell, and louder than crap! If you think nothing can ballance out your bass, you haven't heard these speakers!!! AWSOME!


  • I have these things running on a mtx ta7402 pushing 176w a channel, they sound very clean and keep up with 3 L7's. Although they were well worth the money and sound really nice there wasnt a MAJOR difference in sound quality at low/moderate volumes compared to the previous components which were mtx tx6001 components with rainbow crossovers. At high volumes there is a lot less distortion with the kickers and they are a lot louder though.


  • I currently have these running off an eclipse ea4000 giving it 75 rms and a kenwood kdcx789 with tsunami 10.9 series rcas this component set is great it really shines at high volumes im not to thrilled with the crossovers not being very adjustable and if you use the grills keep them somewhere they wont get kicked there not very strong but if you like your music loud and undistorted check these out

    Josh Smith

  • These components are awesome I have two sets of these using the rear ones for coax in the rear running a kicker zx850.4 and let me tell u crisp and clear and the crossovers light up when the sound peaks! There perfect with my 2 l7s and zx1500.1 in my little scion xb go figure +onlinestero had the best price all around other store want 400to 600 a set ty online stero:)

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