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Pioneer Premier DEH-P770MP

Item #14534
CD/MP3/WMA/WAV In-Dash Receiver with OEL Display

Write a Review For Pioneer Premier DEH-P770MP

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Product Reviews For Pioneer Premier DEH-P770MP

  • tihs is one of the greaestest products that I have ever purchased.

    manuel Rodriguez

  • This unit kicks butt ! I love it, it has all the features you want and need and you don't have to spend an arm and a leg to get it. Pioneer never ceases to amaze me.


  • This deck by by far the best I've heard Lots of features


  • Outstanding features, well priced, best I've heard!


  • I have had a number of aftermarkey decks and this one just blows me away, I bought it two days ago and just got everything set up right. I have this hooked up to 3 Mtx 9500's with 2 Rockford Fosgate t30001 amps. This things punds so hard it hurts. This is a must have product.


  • this head unit makes a dramatic difference in the sound quality. i got a 15" audiobahn and it makes it hit alot clearer and i can even turn up alot louder than b4 with less distortion. i actually blew my 6x9s from the bass ventin threw them and i got the bass on 0 and the sub on -3.+ it looks tight as hell.


  • Great Head Unit!!


  • This product is great to say the least... I have it hooked up to my Ipod through the adapter you can buy for it and works great. Makes my 2 12in. kicker cvr's sound better 2.


  • If you are looking for a really cool MP3/CD headunit for a great price, this Pioneer is the ticket. I am still waiting for my new speakers to come in, but it still sounds great. Custom EQ, Movie graphics are tight, it looks unbelieveably cool turned on, cool features. I'm still tryin to figure out all the features...lol


  • this product is outstanding.. it has 3 pre-outs.. and 4 volts.. it makes the inside speakers much much more powerful.. helping them to "keep up" with the subwoofer.. buy this head unit with complete confidence..


  • This unit was a huge upgrade from the deh-p470mp. The sound is clear the bass is deep highly recommend.


  • I bought this Premier dehp770mp head unit and I am very happy with it so far. Didn't have any trouble with standard UPS-ground shipping from OCS. This headunit is dramatically better than the Stock stereo that came in my 2005 Dodge Neon SXT(obviously). However the User Interface for this stereo is somewhat hard to use. There are several features you can only get to by turning the radio off and holding in the multi-function control, most of these controls could have been put in the Function or Audio portions of the MFC while the radio is on, but oh well. Overall I'm very pleased with this headunit and OCS as well. Will buy from here again.


  • i have used only alpine up until this vehicle, and i always went for the 700-800 dollar units... I figured, eh ill give pioneer a try and i went with a cheaper unit... I just finsihed installing it and the other things i bought.... I LOVE it, its great, tons of features and easy to use i think....great buy....

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