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Pioneer Premier TS-W12PRS

Item #14549
12" 1200W Dual 4-Ohm Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Pioneer Premier TS-W12PRS

  • This speaker besides the pioneer spl, is one of the loudest, cleanest subs on the market for the money!


  • This is an awsome sub! it reaches deep down and still pulls out clean pure bass! it's no wonder they call it Premier. i'm feeding it 462 watts Rms from a MTX amp and it pounds, while the sub is rated at 300 Rms it takes the extra power very willingly. If you want great Sq then this is your sub, only sub that i can say has better Sq is the Infinity Kappa Perfect DVC Variable Q. SPL wise this sub kind of lacks, yet it's not for the light hearted, it will produce deep bass just not massive levels of it. While for the price i would buy the Infinity, it's a good choice if you want to stick with pioneer/premier. overall I give it a 8

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