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Item #14846
1" Titanium Dome Tweeters

Write a Review For Lanzar OPTITW

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Product Reviews For Lanzar OPTITW

  • these tweeters looks and sound good.


  • Purchased a set of Lanzar OPTITW titanium dome tweeters on 19 july, 2006. They were awesome and I fitted them in the trunk of my sonata along with the woofer. Although pricey they look very cute. listening to music in the car has become an even more pleasureable experience. Sam Cochin,Kerala,India


  • i have these hooked up to a kenwood kdc-638u deck,and they can handle everything i throw at them,crystal clear high`s, only down side is the size of the housing and the soldering is pretty lame on the rear of the tweeter,had to resolder one wire back on but other than that they are great tweeters

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