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Oz Audio Oz 180CS

Item #15332
Matrix Elite 6.5" Component System

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Product Reviews For Oz Audio Oz 180CS

  • These are amazing components. Very natural sound, handle horns very well. Saxophone is smooth and easy to listen to. These are way better than my previous CDT Audio ES-620 set. The midbass blends well with the IDQ sub. For passive 2-way components, these are excellent speakers for a sound quality intended system. I prefer them over CDT, Focal, and MBQ. Upgrading will involve going active. First with these, then possibly Seas.

    Robert Fisher

  • Really good set of components, have had for about 2 months. Very clear with rockford 851x amp. Would recomend for a sound quality system. Previously i had a set of premium series mbquarts and they were about the same in clarity, but the mbquarts had so much more midbass. Overall mbquart is the best speaker made,(q series)


  • Running these components passively off an Audison VRx. (240WRMS per side) Midbass kick is somewhat lacking, compared to other speakers i've had. I High pass them at 63hz, and they still dont seem to kick hard enough. Possibly due to relatively small excursion (xmax). Midrange is excellent very clear and precise even at high volumes Highs are quite accurate, with no audible sibilance. These speakers go damn loud, and are almost music to my ears. For $300USD you can't go wrong, lack of strong mid-bass the main downfall

    Luke B
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