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Soundstream BX-10

Item #15530
Digital Bass Reconstruction Processor with Dash Mount Remote Control

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Product Reviews For Soundstream BX-10

  • Made a huge difference in my system. This unit doesn't have as many features as my old EQT's did, but it's a lot easier to work. For the money it will add a whole new dimension to your current setup.


  • This thing made my system wang,now my system prbably hits the hardest in my town. I would reccomend this product to anyone who really wants to slap.

    monte anderson

  • I added this to my Rubicon Rub1.2500d and 2 Atlas AS12SQD2 12s it added so much deeper bass response , very good product decent priced. I would recommend it to anyone.

    Tru Installs

  • bought this product in november does not have the adjustment switches on the bottom of bx 10 like instruction booklet shows also will not play any frequency below 35hz also causes clipping at higher volume .

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