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Boss Audio TW15

Item #15938
1" 250W Micro-Dome Tweeters

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Product Reviews For Boss Audio TW15

  • Nice clear sound. Very simple to hook up...


  • Recently I purchased Boss Audio Tweeters. I thought they were reasonably priced and easy installation. I have a pair of 12s, a pair of 6x9s, a pair of 5.25s. When I added the tweeters, there was more clarity. Crystal clear.

    big j

  • I recently bought these and they are awesome. a great price and an easy hookup. The only thing is that when I crank the music I can't really hear these too much but I do NOT regret buying them. Great product


  • I bought 2 pair of these little gems for the front an rear of my S10 Blazer. I have to say that for the money these are a steal. They balanced well with the 4x6 reflecting off the windshield and they can be aimed to where they sound best. Easy hook up and they handle moderate power well. My system is only 2200 watts total in my daily driver but it easily drowns out many passers by playing 'Hip hop music'(I think that's an oxymoron, isn't it). Just kiddin', to each his own. Anyway, all in all I'm pleased with my purchase. Thanks OCS.


  • very good tweeter,nice sound and clarity. must have!!!

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