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Soundstream TWS.4

Item #16307
1" 110W Peak Power Handling, 4-Ohms Polished Aluminum Tantalum Dome Tweeter

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Product Reviews For Soundstream TWS.4

  • i have two of these in the front of my truck extremely loud w/o a amp recomend them to anyone


  • DO NOT PASS THESE UP 110w RMS for 20 bucks! they are louder than any of the high priced BS. you will have to set them on -6db so they aren't louder than everything else!!!


  • Holy crap these are good. 2 of them for $19!!! I was absolutely amazed by these. They perform so well and push such good sound and clarity. Don't think twice, buy these!


  • just put them in my 98 tacoma with a kenwood deck was not expecting much of a change mabe a little bit, but man ! such a differance for only $20 can not beat that 3 times better than my old 40 pair plenty loud and clean crispness for the price


  • Great set of tweets for under 20 bucks ! Easy hook up, decent sound. I would recommend these to anyone looking for cheap pair, but also has soundstream quality!

    Ryan Esser
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