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Lanzar MAX12-SVC

Item #16439
Max Series 12" 1000W Peak Power Handling, 4-Ohms Voice Coil Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Lanzar MAX12-SVC

  • I have 9 of these in my Jeep Cherokee and trust me they hit so hard,that i have blown both rear passenger windows!The bass is extremely clear with no off the top punch!I would recommend just one of these for any vehicle or anyone who is startin off!Nice sub for a low price!


  • i bought this sub because it looked like a beast and i'm not dissapointed at all. eats up other subs in a sealed or vented box withouta problem. but remeber this- this sub is actually 1000 watts peak. when u click on view a larger image you may barely notice that on the magnet it even says 1000 watts. besides i have one and it's definately 1000 watts


  • Not bad for a Pyle product. I have this sub in a 1.25cu.ft. sealed box w/ a Kenwood basic m2 home power amp pushing 220w min.rms and close to 400 peak rms. great buy but spl is a litle low and sq could be btr but im not complaining imhappy and im planing to buy a full opti system 4 kicks and or the Earthquack HoLeeS 15.


  • i already have two of these and had them for about 3yrs now an they still banging..w um looking to order two more...they are good for da price...they give a big boom in da trunk for a low price

    country boy
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