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Lanzar MAX12D

Item #16440
Max Series 12" 1000W Peak Power Handling, 4-Ohms Voice Coil Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Lanzar MAX12D

  • i had 2 of these subs in an acura integra hatch back. dont let the name fool u. these speakers really get down. u need 2 put some serious watts 2 them. at least 800 watts. i think they sound good sealed. If ur looking 4 an inexpensive sub that really pounde, get this one


  • These drivers were a nice improvement over my Pioneer 12"s but I just want to warn you that these things can not take too much juice, I hooked them up to my crunch 250.2 @ 2 ohms and the frickin coils grenaded. These things supposedly can take 500 watts RMS a piece but thats what i was feeding them and they kicked over. They do hit nice and the SQ isn't too bad, just caution yourself against putting too much juice through them. (i'm having problems with lanzars customer service right now)


  • i had 2 of these in a sealed box.sound great just could not hold alot of power.had tem hooked 2 a punch 5oo mono amp.they would bottom out and pop.they lasted 2 years. I would buy again

    big g
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