This amplifier is ideal for the entry level car audio enthusiast. Very solid construction and aesthetically pleasing. Sound quality above par for amplifiers within the same price range. Has oversized 4 gauge power and ground allen key terminal blocks for an easy clean installation. Highly recommended for beginners on a budget...
I bought this amp to power 2 12" audiobahns, and it worked very well and was very loud and clean for about 2 months, and then one day I turned on my car and I looked in the rear-view mirror and saw smoke... needless to say I had no more amp. This is a good entry level amp, but I question its durability.
This was the first amp i ever bought and i had it hooked up to two pyle 12lvs blue aditions @ 4Ohms with a seald box and the stock deck my 2003 malibu came with and it worked perty good it wasent nothing over the edge but it got the job done but i just wished i would have bought the amp from this site i got jiped.
This was my first amp ever it lasted me about a year and a half latter it blew up. This is a great amp for people who are just starting out or on a buddget.
Great amp for the price when it worked, but it only lasted a month.
A friend of mine has this amp in his car on a 15" lightning audio sub. I think this amp is a pretty good amp. He can move the windsheild in his car with it, it hits so hard ad he has had it for about 2-3 years and its still kickin