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Cerwin Vega HED-12.4

Item #16867
12" 600W Dual 4-Ohm Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Cerwin Vega HED-12.4

  • i bought 2 of these after hearing such good things about there home subs. although i didnt pay $89 each, i couldnt be more happy. i havnt really heard much about there sq but wow. it hits the notes perfect. i wasnt really sure what to expect as far as the spl becouse of the small surrond. but i was amazed, they hit hard! i have both of them on a kenwood 400wat amp. its a little small for the subs, but i was pushing 2 kenwoods before so i was sure it could handle it. over all great sub. i couldnt have asked for better sound. everyone should try these.

    Robert AKA Big Daddy
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