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Kenwood Excelon KAC-X812D

Item #16895
1600 Watts Class D Subwoofer Power Amplifier

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Product Reviews For Kenwood Excelon KAC-X812D

  • I have owned several fosgate amps and this kenwood actually suprised me, it puts out crisp, clean sound at stunning levels. Props for kenwood. They have made a heavy hitter amp

    Power house hitter

  • great amp great sound quality. Dont get this amp if you running it at 1 ohm because it heats up really really fast other then that it pounds some serious bass.


  • I was looking for an awesome amp for my Kicker L7s and came across this one. Its probably the best amp I ever owned. It pushed my subs to new limits. This is a must have for all who want clean hard hitting bass.


  • Great amp.easily powers my 2 10" Kicker compVR's with tight,clean bass. I have owned JL and Alpine amps before and this definetly ranks among them.


  • Love the amp. I just got it and added it to my 2 12" Kicker L5's and they are sounding like they should, LOUD!!! and for the price you get a lot of watts...love this amp


  • This amp is by far the best amp i have owned. I have started my own car audi business and i would recommend this amp to everyone. I have mine powering 2 15" kicker L7's, and i have it running at half its potential. This amp will knock your socks off. The L7's hit so hard that you cant think or even see straight. Do not think twice over puchasing this amp, get it and i promise you that you will completely happy with it.

    alejandro rojas

  • Been the best Amp I have ever owned and has lasted way longer than I ever expected 10+ yrs now.

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