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Kenwood DDX6019

Item #16941
In-dash DVD player with 6.95" video screen

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Product Reviews For Kenwood DDX6019

  • Just installed the DDX-6019 and all I have to say is WOW. The quality of the screen and the sound is amazing. It is very user friendly and it took me 5 minutes to figure most functions. Thanks onlinecarstereo for the fast delivery and great service.


  • The quality of the picture is awesome, with only 2 volts out the unit really pushes my amps.The 6019 allows me to watch a video and listen to the radio at the same time.


  • I had gotten this put in my infiniti QX4 after i had upgraded my stereo with two 12's. this kenwood is such a nice product i like the big screen and its easy to use after you sit in your drive way for about 10 minutes and mess around with it. but its a very nice product and the picture is sick. I also like the price it really didnt kill my pocket being im an 18 year old and im going to college. But if you want something siclk that gets everyone who sits in your car to say wow lets watch a movie or play some PS2 then this is the thing to get. I love it!


  • So glad I made this choice. Looks great in my 07 Sport Trac and the sound is a great deal better even before I changed the factory speakers. Picture quality is amazing.


  • Excellent unit through and through. ONLY downside to this deck if you are running external amps is the 2 volt output, which can be fixed with a line driver (Equalizer). Other than that I would recommend this deck to anyone and everyone


  • nice product. works great with alot of options. simple to use if you know what your doing. the duel speaker feature is nice. I can listen to the radio in the front speakers and the kids watch a dvd through the rear speakers. I recommended this product.


  • This is the best picture I seen in a DVD unit so far, 2 volt comming out, I thought it would be a problem, but nope, it still sound great. You better have a good amp to push it, because a so- so amp might don't sound so good. All and all, great unit from Kenwood.

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