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MTX T7512-44

Item #17015
12" 800W Dual 4-Ohm Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For MTX T7512-44

  • one of these subs can handle alot of pure power. You best hook up a good amp otherwise you are not going to get the best of it. its a TRUE 400w RMS +.


  • This sub hits extremely hard, i don't like how it sputters when the sensitivity is up high though, maybe it just needs a lil time to break in, but this one twelve blows away the 2 rockford p2's i had before, this is a great sub for the price, if you want pounding bass spend a few extra bucks and save space instead of going with a dual sub system!


  • I highly recommend this subwoofer... I have only 1 of them hooked up to a Kenwood 800w amp (460w rms) and it pounds extremely hard. I have a 2006 Nissan Sentra and at times my system shakes the car in front of me. Some of my friends have told me they think its a SUV comin up the street with alot of sounds but its just me and my sentra.


  • a decent speaker, as the other guy said it sputters a little but it hits pretty solid and can take a beating. I am going back to Lanzar tho....had optidrive that would destroy this speaker in spl and quality and its cheaper....but overall this is not a bad speaker.


  • If you get 2 of these and an MTX 8502 Amp you will tear yo block down. I got these in a camaro and people ask me how do i fit so many subs in my hatch. then i show them its only 2 12's and they cant believe it. Dont go with the cheaper subs and amps because they over rate there wattage. MTX under rates their wattage. Go to the MTX site and you will see the difference.

    killa cam

  • Had 4 of these, each time a different set up in my car to see what would happen. Just as a single they hit ok, a pair is pretty loud. Without the right box they arn't that loud. They pound pretty hard with the right ported box though. Like my L5's a lot more, they hit harder. For BOOMHEAD's comment, do not go lanzar, the subs blow way to easy. Powered the pair of these with a Fosgate P325.1 amp. Would recommend something with a little more power if you'd like to go def, but the amp im using is plenty loud.

    Emery Miller

  • i got one of theese in my geo metro in a ported box getting pushed by a legacy 800w amp it beats pretty damn hard for one 12 im satisfied im getting 1 more for my 1200w amp


  • I have two of these subs hooked up to a 2 channel kenwood 1000w they pound pretty hard however there are some amps that will make it sputter but the kenwood does not.. if your looking for something with more spl i would recommend a single voice coil alpine type r their cheaper and can get a decent bit louder


  • I am absolutely amazed with this subwoofer.. for 2 years it was going strong on 600watts rms then i finally decided to blow it and get another one only problem is i don't have enough amp to blow it! its rated for 400watts rms 800 peak and i'm putting 900watts rms at 2 ohms 1300 peak.. darn thing still won't blow and with good sound quality to heats up a lil after about a hour usage but still pounds just like it did outta the box there may be ALOT louder 400watt rms subs but i don't think there is a tougher one

    logan h

  • I have 2 in a ported box run on a MTX TA8502 in my t-bird and its one of the best systems ive had.


  • I got one(1) of these in a 2 1/2 cu.ft. box ported and tuned to 32Hz (LOW LOWS YO) and I got it hooked up to a kenwood 1000w max 500rms mono-block and it tickles it pretty hard but this sub is under-rated I would hook a couple thousand watts up to this baby before I'd be worried bout blowing it. Extremely sturdy sub! It draws so much power off my amp it shuts it off, I need a bigger amp. Definetly under rated sub. 10/10 I want another one.


  • I have 2 of them in a down fire sealed box,running of a Memphis 1000 classD power references and it beat is off tha chain. For 2 12,people always assuming that i have more than 2 12,but they get fooled all time.


  • i have one of these with a rockford fosgate p5 amp and it slams

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