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Kenwood KVT-617DVD

Item #17142
In-Dash DVD 7" Touch-Screen Receiver

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Product Reviews For Kenwood KVT-617DVD

  • Im from Upstate NY and this unit is great i install car audio and video for a sub job and i put this same head unit in a 2000 honda civic. sound is great features are awsome. I plan on gettings this same unit for my wifes suv. this site is by far the best for car audio and video


  • I put this unit in my 2001 Land Rover Discovery and it works perfectly. Its nice you can change the color of the dials to green, it matchs my interior lighting. I would recomend this


  • I bought one for my 2000 mercury cougar this is one of the only ones i could get to fit because it can be adjusted really far out away from the dash. i can be adjusted almost as far as the hight of the screen itself. i got mine from somewhere else and payed $735 this site has it cheaper then any where else ive looked. although it was hard for me to install myself.

    Kevin willbur

  • this is a good radio man. it really improves the sound and the picture is wonderful. it comes with the brain which is a major plus and it's ipod compatible. cant wait for my adaptor to come in. great head unit

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