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Kicker 07CVR15-2

Item #17395
15" 1000W Dual 2-Ohm Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Kicker 07CVR15-2

  • WOW!!! This is now my 3'rd set of subs and they are most definatly the best i've heard together!!!I run a 15 and a 12 for range and i haven't heard a sub that has the range these kicker CVR's have!!! Definatly impressed


  • Well first, there is no point in running a 12 along with this 15. First, the 15 will overpower the 12 and second, there is no such thing as "range" between subs. It's the box that determines that. This sub is a beast and an amazing deal for what you get. Throw this thing in a 40Hz ported box with a solid 500 watts and you have slammin' bass for a very reasonable price. I give it an 8 for sound quality because it is not an SQ sub. Highly recommend.


  • I have two of these in my 98 ford ranger hooked up to a volfenhag 1850 watt amp AND DAMN THESE SUBS POUND I recommend these subs and any kicker subs to anyone...


  • i got 2 of these running at 1200rms in my 89 toyota corolla and all 4 doors on my car flex


  • I had two of these in a ported box running at 1200 watt rms in my 01 jeep. I was really disapointed when i replaced them with 2 Cadence 12's and go much better quality sound out of the cadence's. there a good price but for your moneys worth go with cadence


  • i had two 10s they lasted over 3 years and still goin so impressed that i bought 2 of these for my ext cab f150 now i have 1 more on the way with a ground shaker three 15s pro ported box from here cant wait to try it out. if u want performance that isnt to expensive this is the best speaker to buy


  • i have had like 4 of these speakers they hit hard an sound great but i keep blowing them an i only have a 800w amp hooked up to it


  • got 2 of these in my grand prix and i bottom them out with a rockford 550 amp not good. but i cant bottom them out with my 1200 gothic amp so im confussed about that. some1 help me out

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