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JL Audio 12W3v3-8

Item #17413
12" 600W 8-Ohm Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For JL Audio 12W3v3-8

  • i could not be more pleased with these woofers. i own two 12W3v3-8 subs., They are a great sub for the money and really pound. i power them with a Sony XM-2002GTR amp, i can get about 250-300 rms to the subs at all times. the suby are in a custom built sealed enclosere installed in a extended cab ford f-150. the subs are great for starter systems or with the right setup could easily place in competition. i strongly reccomend these subs.

    Chas G.

  • many things can differ your sound from the next like a voltage of a preout, frequency, rms ratings and quality materials, which i personally think jl uses in their products... I have 2 12w3v3-8's in an audioenhancers ported 3 cu. ft. box in an 2004 envoy with a planet audio big bang bb1250.1 amp, panasonic cdvq7000 dvd touchscreen, and all eclipse highs and i can safely say that everything sounds awesome and complements each other, the jl's on the other hand sound phenominal in my particular setup, i wish that the store had the 4 ohm version when i bought these but a 4ohm load will actually run my amp less hot which in turn is good! go with these if you are in the market and reading this!


  • grate subs! goes well with the 6Wv3v-8 6.5 inch subs I got mounted in the kicker panals of my '94 Handa Civic.Run them from 60 Hz down using 24 octave slope filters and they hit hard, go deep and blends so well with my 6.5s so that you can't tell where the bass is coming from. If you like hard,fast and powerful bass get these subs(both pairs)mount them up and be ready for so powerful hitting bass.

    Bill Carter

  • These subwoofers are amazing. I had one 12W3(The first version, mind you) and placed(as the guy said in another comment) 140.8 dB at a comp with a 500/1 amp, and nothing else. I have two V3's running on a 500/1V2-bridged now but haven't had them tested. Great subs, although a bit costly.

    Kenny Stoll

  • JL W7's 10 will beat any 4/12 u want to match really.....JL runs in 1,3,5, instead of 2 JL 10s ....1 would hit harder i know it sounds crazy....


  • i got 2 w3v3s in my ghetto crusier and they sound good (and i got em bridged on a 550 watt amp lol). i just got a 2channel 1000watt ppi amp so they should freakin pound harder in a couple days.

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