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Clarion PXW1252

Item #17463
12" 1000W Dual 4-Ohm Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Clarion PXW1252

  • Bought one of these in the Clarion custom enclosures and teamed it with the DPX1800 amp. This sub pounds! I have heard two 12's that don't sound as good as this one. The only problem is with some of the lower frequencies. It hits them all but doesn't provide the thump, more so the long notes. Great value! Pick it up if you can!


  • I gave this sub a 7 for the features because of the way you have to mount your wires into it using a alan key. What retard thought of that idea!? Other than that the sub is amazing. It CAN hit all different levels and still have the thump despite what "Evan From Canada" says. You just have to get everything tuned just right. Best bang for your buck. Once you buy this sub you be hooked on clarion!

    Tyler Evans of Tyny Firm

  • These things are beasts!! clarion is definitely underrated...did 139.9 dB w/only 500 watts rms going to both of em!! picking up a 1000w monoblock next week, cant wait. ABsoLUTe BANGaZZ!! Hope they stay around b/c Im officially hooked on Clarion!!

    Dom J

  • I got the dual 2 ohm version of this and jesus do they slam, doesnt matter what freq. youre at, it will rattle your rear window in a hatchback or SUV. Im only runnin 350RMS each right now, i actually had messed up originally and only one of the voice coils were hooked up on each sub, so i was pushing 500RMS on just one of the voice coils, and guess what, i did that for 9, yes 9 months every day and have had no issues. BEST BANG FOR THE BUCK RIGHT HERE


  • I got two of these dual 2ohm version, in a dual slotted sledge hammer box.. hooked up to a jbl gto 1201.1 monoblock @ 2ohms stable... the amp got more power than the subs can take.. dropped a little on the gained and pumped that everyday, never disappointed. yes i agree it hits all the notes.. but the low freq. its not there, listening to some serious reggae and your missing some beats.. but otherwise REALLY GOOD

    Trini Boy

  • I have to say, this brand was big in my high school days. When I seen two twelves in a ported box for 150... Bought it up without hesitation... And because I scooped it cheap... I had no issues risking 2000w monoblock power to the pair. These things pound! And take the power like a champ. Absolutely impressed. I will agree that you need to have them dialed in near perfect for some of the notes. But grab some cold ones, hit the bush, and take some time with them... Worth every single penny.

    Tyler Bryant
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