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Clarion SFW1051

Item #17468
10" 600W 4-Ohm Shallow Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Clarion SFW1051

  • I got this sub because I have a standard cab ford ranger and very little space to work with. This speaker packs a big punch for very little power and space. This speaker only needs .45 sealed.. whaaa or around 1cuft? vented. The sub is rated for 300 rms and 600 peak. I am only pushing 120rms and it hits hard. I would love to see what this sub could really do with the full 300 rms. One thing I did find out was if you run a sealed box you can only run 160rms. In order to run the full 300, you have to run vented enclosure. Pros: Over all this is a fantastic sub. Less than 3" deep, .45 cuft sealed, and it hits hard. I am very impressed and highly recommend this sub to anyone who is tight on space or just don't want to have a sub taking up your entire trunk. The sound quality is good and tight. Also the fact it is very reasonably priced, doesn't hurt. Cons: Clarion doesn't have much info online about them. I didn't find out until after I bought them that it takes 160rms in a sealed box and to get the full 300rms it has to be in a vented box. Didn't affect me but would have like to know before I bought them. They don't tell you the speakers displacement either which is .06 - .08 (Don't forget to add this to the box size when doing calculations for box size). Also the box air space is critical. You need to hit the .45 cuft as close as possible. The sub will sound a bit sloppy if you are over.

    Jason Martin

  • This is a great speaker if you like all types of musictends to bottom out on low frequencys,if your looking for rap bass this is not the speaker for you.Make sure to read the manufactures recommendations before setting them up in a sealed enclosure. You can only run 160 rms on these, anymore than that they bottom out.Spend the money to get the Kicker Comp CVT , if your running into tight spaces.

    Frank Ramirez

  • i have four of these on a clarion 1500 watt amp running at 4 ohms at 800watts in my 2006 silverado crew cab and these subs hit hard for shallow mount subs and i can honestly say its worth the money every bit of it. If you have very limited space these subs are the answer. my box is only six inches deep at bottom. you will be amazed.

    keith burt

  • I have this in a custom built box powered by a Boss Audio SE250(bridged) for the tractor trailer I drive at work and am very happy with it's performance. Looks great, and very compact sub. It gets real loud in the tractor but the sub is louder. I feel the bass on every genre of music. Shipping was quick! Thx o.c.s.!

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