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Rockford Fosgate P1S48

Item #17736
8" 300W 4-Ohm Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Rockford Fosgate P1S48

  • bought these to replace factory subs in a newer mustang, sound great, gives the right amount of bass without having other people hear you coming..


  • purchased this back in 08 for a random project build... Had 10s and 12s but this (1)little sucker opened my ears to a whole new dimension!!! Was getting away from big setups and this was perfect. Hit the notes low and accurate. Was put into handbuilt 1.13cu ft. @ 30Hrz (2" wide slot port") medium polyfill. Run on an oldschool RF 100a2 amp still beating to this day. Can achieve low 130db no problem.

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