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Almani S3-12

Item #17862
12" 1000W 4-Ohm Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Almani S3-12

  • I own a caraudio shop and I hooked up two of these in a sealed box on almani hc 850.2 and they sound pretty good. I dont think that amp was giving enough power. You might want to step up to one of the Monoblocks to get better performance from the subs. But, all in all, I would recomend this product.


  • My whole system is Almani From the head unit model Almani DVA-9076 In-Dash DVD/VCD/MP4/TV Tuner with 6.5" TFT Touch Screen to the Almani CA-2600.D Mono Amp. I did Blow these Subs speakers with there Monster Amp but I do recommend these speakers to anybody that likes to bump with good Quality. (The Warranty is replacing my Subs *** NOW THERE'S SERVICE FOR YOU!!***)

    Frank Riddle

  • I gotta say that i'm impressed by these subs. i bought two of these for a very decent price. u can literally here me coming from a mile away :D. I recommend these for ppl who are looking for decent priced subs with good sound quality


  • over all im happy i have 2 in a sealed box in my civic. they hit hard im running a 500 1v2 slash series jl amp. its about half way up and i get my volume to 40 got damn lol im just not sure if they will handle my 500 rms amp

    crazey noob
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