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MA Audio EHO152

Item #17899
15" 5000W Dual 2-Ohm Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For MA Audio EHO152

  • I have two of these is a 4.5cf ported boxes with two Alphasonik PMA1200DA running at 1ohm. I think they could handle even more power then the 2400watt I'm giving them. There are so many great SLP woofers out there but this one of the best .


  • Great subs and they can play in small enclosuresmine in a Dodge Ram standard cab using the center seat area to hold the enclosure(two sealed 1.50-cu.chambers)with One fires up and one fires forward.Use four USAmps 2,ooo-watt mono units(one for each voice coil) to power them and they HIT HARD(blew out windshield first time they played)w I have the hardest hitting truck in town.

    Jay "THE BASS GOD!!!"

  • nowing that their are certain things that exist in electronics the dual compatibility benefit under frequencies much better than single voice coil challenge to drive them nonsense their are tricks to the trade on how you hook them up and allways go by rms rating but know the peak good job on this product there should be more of them

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