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Rockford Fosgate P3SD4-10

Item #18007
Punch P3 Slim Series 10" 600W Peak Power Handling 4 Ohms Dual Voice Coil Car Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Rockford Fosgate P3SD4-10

  • I have one of these under the back seat of my 2006 F-150, facing down, with 200 watts on it and it sounds great. I think I'm going to break it loose from my 400X4 to add a second set of components and push it with a 325X1.


  • I have 2 of these subs in 2004 F-150 extended cab with rockfordfosgste power 500*2 amp. It sound fine to be shallow mounts but I think that regular subs sound better. Can not handle dramtic bass loads in songs and the lows sound like paper rattling. Mid bass level is great and sometimes I turn around and look to see if they are really the subs beating like that. you will learn what songs to play and what not to play very fast.


  • I agree with Ron. But a ten is not supposed to handle lows. if you want lows buy some 15's. These tens are awesome. Had one in the back hooked to a Rockford 400.2 and it was thumping. People wondered if it was two of them playing. However, I sold it and am getting two p3s12's. For people who want deeper bass go with twelves.


  • Great Buy. Great Sub for price.

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