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Boss Audio CH6940

Item #18267
6" x 9" 500W 4-Way Car Speakers

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Product Reviews For Boss Audio CH6940

  • power handling is what you get. these speakers can take a hit. highs and lows are very adjustable with power amp for the price; crank em' up and let em' blow


  • i bought these speakers in good faith hoping they would be as good as they seem. I put them in my 02 monte carlo and the sound and bass is simply amazing. I would recommend these speakers to anyone


  • these are my 1st 6 by 9's i ever purchased and i hav em hooked straight to my deck. they sound pretty nice only thing that sux is that they come with a thin wire. i had to buy a 18 gauge wire for better performance.


  • I have a pair of these in the rear panel of my 95 accord and all I can say is "Wow!". For the price they are amazing. I had them hooked into my Sony deck and they sounded excellent. I now have them running off of a 2 channel 500 watt SoundStorm amp and with the amp tuned just right for the speakers it's pushing, it'll make your ears ring. Lows are good enough to feel and the highs are crisp and clean. While they are pretty bassy it's by no means a subwoofer although they will provide some improvement for people looking for a bit more low end or clarity on the cheap.


  • As other people have said -- for the price these are unbeatable! I originally got them simply because of the red cones -- it matched what I was doing. What they sounded like was an afterthought. But now I have them running through a Kenwood KAC-8404 600 watt amp and it made them come alive! I'm not into thumping bass; however, these had just enough bass to crank some old southern rock real damn loud! Turns out that these Boss Audio 6x9's were perfect the resto-mod on '83 K5 Blazer! I accidentally became a true believer in Boss Audio.


  • i used these speakers for about 2-3 weeks, and my right speaker stoped working. I Didn't blow it or nothing it just stop working. i wouldn't recomend boss to anyone anymore.


  • I am actualy impressed with the quality for the money . I would recomend boss audio for any one who likes good quality sound on a budget. I bought the 6x9 pair and two pair of 6.5 components and a pair of 4 inch and a pair of 4x6 for only $130.00 shippedsounds pretty good as well.

    steve giles

  • I am 100% impressed with these 6x9's they sound great, when amplified they sound even better! they thump and they were a great price. Wonderful addition to my pair of pioneer 6x9's two 12" subs and 2 pair 4x6's all with the 80w x 4 boss head unit it sounds awesome!!! I recommend these 6x9's to anyone who wants a system that is low low budget.


  • I Just installed these in the back of my explorer and for the price they are amazing.


  • I have a pair of 6x9 Boos audio speaker, and wow! I just intaled those speaker in bazooka enclosed for my single cab truck , powering by a old 200.4 MClass, Memphis audio amp, and they sound like sub's, the mids and highs are clear, loud speakers, good quality .the only complaint is the speaker cable,that comes in the box is too thin , I upgraded to bigger wire. and sound better!!

    Roger C

  • These speakers sound really good, but they can't handle power as advertised. I am pushing them with R3004 1200 watt 4channel and I have my gains set to about 14 watts and anything over that they distort. These speakers would be gr8 on a small amp or just powered by your head unit. For the price you can't go wrong.

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