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Boss Audio CH6500

Item #18272
Chaos Exxtreme 6-1/2" 2-way 200W Full Range Speaker

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Product Reviews For Boss Audio CH6500

  • These speakers fit nice in my 2000 s-10 blazer. They sound great, especially with the vocals of a song. My friends are surprised when i tell them the price. Great speakers.

    Randy Kerrodar

  • for the price these are pretty good.but if you want some bass ,you,d better get some 6x9's for rear or a sub.they work best in doors and if you want to crank them add a inline filter to block the bass from over working them.to build a cheap system they'll work good.


  • Very good sounding speaker for the price even with factory stereo.J


  • Well worth the change they are asking for these . I have a pair in my door's , and a pair in my rear deck . I have 300 hz inline filter's on mine . Loudddd . 15" Orion Cobalt with 320 rms in the trunk so I got plenty of bass . No tweeter's necessary but they are next . I had Kenwood's I purchased from BB less than a month ago . I heard these , and immediately ripped themout , and returned them .

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